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Katie's Home Page

Thanks for stopping by to see me!

Come back and visit me often to find out what I'm up to and see how much I'm growing!

How it began...

I was born on November 27, 1998 in McKinney, Texas, and my parents named me Katelyn Jennifer Todd.
I weighed 7 pounds and 2.5 ounces and I had lots of dark hair and blue eyes, just like Momma and Daddy!

Me at One Month

This picture was taken just before Christmas when I was four weeks old. See all my hair?! All of my grandparents were coming to see me, so I was very excited! I got lots of nice presents, but I was more interested in sleeping most of the day.

Here I Am at Two Months

I am beginning to hold my head up pretty well, but it makes me tired! I am starting to sleep through the night almost every night which makes Momma and Daddy very happy! They also go crazy when I smile at them. I love my swing and sitting in my bouncy chair and reaching for the toys on it. Sometimes I even catch them!

Here I Am at Two Months

I sleep 9-10 hours every night now and I started eating rice cereal! They say it stinks, but I think it's great! I surprised them (and myself!) one night by rolling over from my tummy to my back! My hair is starting to fall out on the sides and the back. I look like an old man with a hairpiece! I rarely ever stop talking and often talk myself to sleep!

Click Here to See More of Katie's First Year!

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