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yeah i know there's a lot of pics.. it might take a while for them all to load up.. but.. DEAL WITH IT:-D

this one's from sometime in july
homecoming junior year (nov. 2000)
around october 2000i think
this is around april of 2000
homecoming soph year.. 1999
homecoming 99

sophomore pic
homecoming 99 again
same thing
this was in the summer of like 1999
Kira looking innocent this was prolly summer of 99 too..
Here is some info about me.

my name's kira norman... i'm 17 years old about 5'3ish... yeah, you can add 'ish' to the end of any word and it makes you never wrong. but whatever.. yeah well i'm a senior in high school.. i go to humble high.. some of you might know where that is.. but i dunno... some things i like to do.. umm.. i like listening to music.. basically anything but rap, pop, and country.. i love watching cartoons, , getting online, and driving around pointlessly just cuz that's what i do.. well if you want to talk to me you probably already are, or if you're not.. send me a message... my sn is the KLRA on aol instant messenger.

I have a new quizlet!!!
