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Lone Star Warriors Association

=0= Death Howl=0=

The Death Howl

Alas my brothers, I knew him not ,But I know his blood ran red hot. Gather around in the circle of dark and let us rejoice of his Klingon Heart! Begin now the death howl. To let the Klingon Gods know to cowl! A warrior we now release from this life, who will storm Sto-vo-kors gates like a knife, Fire and blood flowed through this shell and as Klingons, we sound his death knell to warn the Gods that a Warrior enters Sto-vo-kor and the Dark Fleet's Center To fight the endless fight by Kahless's side, and in the glorious Dark Fleet will he now reside. The warrior is now gone, so treat the body as waste, for honor and glory is the cup that he now tastes! Keh'jaq'etlh House of Trekkan I serve the Empire This poem is in honor of: Curtiz Lutz Chief of Security Intergalatik Klingon Empire And for all warriors who

Annadelle Townsley of Lubbock, Texas passed away in her sleep early this morning, Jan.2000, at the age of 81. According to Sam Black,her Grandson, she was a Klingon at heart, through and through

Please look up to Sto-vo-kor and HOWL. The Intergalatik Klingon Empire has lost our past chief of security, Curtiz Lutz. He was a good and honorable Klingon and he was cut down in his early years by cancer-Jan.2000

DeForrest Kelly.


Below the Warriors at the last Good Day to Dine let out a earth shattering Howl in honor of Cutis Lutz and Annadelle Townsley-January 30,2000, Wilderness Grill, Grapevine Mills Mall, Grapevine Texas
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G.D.T.D.G.D.T.D.2000L.I.N.K.S. H.O.W.L.

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