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HUMA Huma Dragonbane Characters

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Huma Dragonbane
Solamnic Knight
Legend of Huma

Huma of the Lance was the greatest Solamnic Knight to grace Krynn. During the Second Dragon War, even before the Cataclysm, Huma was a knight of the Crown, given to the service of the triumvirate- Paladine, Kiri-Jolith, and Habbakuk. The knights fought a fierce adversary, a renegade mage named Galan Dracos. Only near the end of the war did they realize the horrific dreams of Galan Dracos.

After rescuing a prisoner minotaur, Kaz, Huma, who had been seperated from his troop, returned to the knights with Kaz and the help of a silver dragon. After more than a few close calls Huma falls in love with a clerics aid named Gwenyth. During a battle within a magic darkness, Huma encounters his childhood friend, Magius, and is led to the safety of Magius's citadel in Ergoth. Magius charges Huma with the recovery of a great artifact that will swing the tide of war back into the favor of the side of good. Suddenly the citadel is attacked by the forces of the evil dragons, Huma and Kaz are seperated after leaving the citadel and Huma fights a terrible battle after being caught up by the party who chased him from the citadel.

After winning the battle with the Black Guard, Huma is rescued from the wilderness by a troop of Ergothian forces under the command of Lord Guy Avondale. When they stop in the ruins of a town outside of Caergoth, Huma is taken prisoner by a group of Priests of Morgion. He is saved by Magius and Lord Avondale. Magius helps him to slip by Lord Avondale and they slip off heading toward the mountains to find the artifact Magius seeks.

They stop on the way to the mountains at a grove surrounding a small pool. Huma meets a water nymph who has placed Magius under a sleep spell. Soon a knight who is a friend of the nymph bursts into the grove to visit the nymph. After a quick conversation with the nymph the knight leads Huma and Magius to the outpost of the Solamnic Knights nearby. They stay for some time before the knights of the outpost capture Kaz in the surrounding country side. Huma testifies on Kaz's behalf and gets him freed before they leave for the looming mountains.

Once at the mountains, Huma gets seperated from the others and goes into a chamber in the mountain. Here he meets up with Gwenyth again and learns he has to face 3 trials in the mountain before he can attain that which he searches for. After figthing a giant dragon and winning he is transported back to Solamnia by a magic mirror in the dragon's horde. In Solamnia he learns of the death of the Grand Master, Lord Trake, and seeks the acting head of the Knighthood, Lord Oswal, to secure passage back to the mountains. Soon after his initial conversations with Huma, Lord Oswal falls deathly ill right before his hearing to become the Grand Master. Rennard, Oswal and Huma's trusted friend, is uncovered as the assassin of Lord Trake and infector of Lord Oswal. Huma fights him off saving Lord Oswal as Bennet, Trake's son and Oswal's nephew, runs into the Temple and calls the guards to arrest Rennard. Rennard escapes into the night and disappears from Vingaard Keep. Huma secures passage back to the mountains and leaves alone on his way. In a village on his way he faces Rennard once again and kills him after Rennard tells him much about his past and confesses to being his uncle.

Huma is suddenly transported back into the treasure chamber near the dragon he had killed. He makes his way to the forge and is greeted by an odd man who takes him to the room with the silver lances. After securing the lances, Huma is returned to Kaz and Magius and they use dragons to transport the lances to Vingaard Keep. The Knights of Solamnia join with the good dragons to turn back the forces of Takhisis while Huma goes to Galan Dracos' citadel to avenge the death of Magius, who was killed by Dracos. There Huma tries to stop Dracos' plans to bring Takhisis to Krynn. With the help of the Staff of Magius, he defeats Galan Dracos and Dracos casts a spell to cause himself to cease to exist so to escape his queen's wrath. With the help of the silver dragon, Huma escapes the citadel as it collapses. Outside he realizes that he did not stop Dracos' plans; Takhisis is coming onto Krynn. He and the silver dragon, who he has learned is actually Gwenyth, stop Takhisis by plunging the dragonlance deep into her torso. Takhisis makes a deal with Huma, to depart from Krynn taking all her dragons with her if someone will remove the lance. Huma and Gwenyth both die and Kaz removes the Lance from the queen. In the end Huma is revered as the greatest knight to ever live.