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SOTH Lord Soth Characters

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Lord Loren Soth
Dargaard Keep
Death Knight
Lord Soth
Chronicles Trilogy
(Dragons of Autum Twilight)
(Dragons of Winter Night)
(Dragons of Spring Dawning)
Legends Trilogy
(Time of the Twins)
(War of the Twins)
(Test of the Twins)

Lord Loren Soth was once a noble knight of Solamnia, living by the Code and the Measure. But as his father grew older and Soth saw his inheritance threatened by the existence of illegitamite brothers and sisters, he began a spree of dishonor driven by greed and jealousy. Eventually he would pay a horrible price for his crimes.

Soth first saw to the unnatural demise of his siblings to assure his inheritance. With himself locked into position to inherate the family fortune, he went about his duties as the keeps master and noble Knight of the Rose. But while on a trip to Palanthas, sin crept back into his noble heart. After rescuing a party of elven clerics of Paladine, Soth is stricken by one in particular who he has an affair with. The woman is returned to Dargaard Keep to "rest and recooperate". Soth's affair with the elfmaiden continues until, after the elf becomes pregnant, he has his wife murdered so that he and the elf can marry. After suspicion sets in, Soth is taken to stand trial for his alleged action. But his loyal knights have other plans. They free their master and run back to Dargaard Keep to avoid recapture.

Over time Lord Soth becomes illtempered and burdened. He and his new wife pray to the gods of good to show them how the once mighty lord might regain his honor and find forgiveness for his crimes. The gods tell him of the Kingpriest's horrible plan and announce that Soth must stop him. The gods tell Soth that he will die in the attempt but they will not allow him to go down without defeating the Kingpriest first. Soth agrees to these terms and sets off with a party of his most loyal and skillful followers. But before they can reach the Kingpriest's temple they are confronted by 3 women who fill Soth's head with the implications of his wife's infidelity. After dispatching the women violently Soth retreats from his mission to confront his wife. On his way home the Cataclysm hits. Soth returns and refuses to save his wife and son, dooming them to a firey death. His wife lays a curse upon Soth dooming him to a lifetime of unlife for each life he had cost that day.

In Soth's new form, a Death Knight, he is tortured mentally and emotionally each night by the song of his misdeeds sung by the 3 women who stopped him from his mission. He is also accompanies by the loyal knights who chose to stay by their master. He and his skeletal warriors are a force to be reconed with. Soth, riding into battle atop a nightmare, has the power to kill with a word. He can also generate blasts of flesh-melting fire, or debilatating cold. With these powers, he became a formidable foe allied with Kitiara Uth Matar, the Blue Lady. Together they fought the War of the Lance against the now famous Golden General and the companions. They also instigated the Blue Lady's War again Palanthas for revenge on the city and for Kitiaras own ends when Raistlin was to come through the portal to the Abyss.

Soth came to love Kitiara and wanted her as his undead consort upon her death, forcing Tanis to let her go with him after she was killed by Dalamar. A competant source said that Kitiara eluded his grasp and that Soth is in the TSR series Ravenloft. However, I don't personally read Ravenloft so I'm not sure if this is accurate.