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  • AUGUST 2000
  • Today August 14, 2000, The Legend of Texas Drum & Bugle corps returned home from Washington D.C. Legend placed 15th with a score of 73.15. Thanks to all the members and staff for a successful season. Many thanks to the Troopers and Ms. Jane Sommer for all their help this season.

  • JUNE 2000
  • Friends and family of Legend members can send mail to the following address during the summer:

    Legend Of Texas Drum & Bugle Corps
    C/O Name of Member
    3107 I-27
    Lubbock, Texas 79404

  • MAY 2000
  • Rehearse-a-thon Reminder

    The rehearse-a-thon will take place during the May 19-21 camp. It is very important to the well-being of our corps that everyone participate in achieving these extra funds. Because of the low cost of dues that the Legend of Texas requires, we must require you to participate in a fundraiser. As was previously stated in your membership packet, this is the sole fund-raising project that involves you, our members, to be mandatorily involved. Your raising at least $200 for the corps is absolutely necessary. We will be rehearsing for a total of 20 hours. You will be collecting your pledges after the camp. We will be providing a statement on our letterhead that will state how many hours we rehearsed. In the event that you don't get all of this pledged by May 19-21, or you are unable to attend the camp, there are two additional opitions:
    1) You can finish up at the May 31-June 2 camp (keep in mind that you won't be returning home after this camp, so your parents would be finishing up the collecting of the money and sending it in to us.
    2) You pay the remaining balance (out of the $200) out of your own pocket. Those who have an excess of $200 more than their dues may choose to use that money in lieu of this fundraiser. Anything that you raise over the required $200 will be applied directly to your dues account.


    Just a reminder. If you are not up-to-date on your dues, you need to make plans to be so by June 3rd )the start of all days). If this is not going to be possible, you must make arrangements with Scott as soon as possible.

    Membership Spots

    We are coming close to our goals for this years membership. Currently, we are looking for 1 Mello, 1 Bari, and 2 contras in the hornline, 3-4 pit, and 4-5 colorguard. Our current members continue to b strong for us, but we can increase the product by involving a few more! If you have anyone who is interested, let us know! It is never too late for marching Corps!

    Summer Tour

    A lot of people have been asking how our early season schedule will turn out. Although we do not have the final decision from DCI, here is what we know currently. All days will begin on June 3rd. All days continue until June 16, where tentatively, we will leave for California. Along the way, we will do several exhibitions throughout West Texas and New Mexico. We will return to Lubbock around June 29th for additional exhibitions and rehearsal. We MIGHT travel to Cheyenne, Wyo. for a contest on July 13th. On July 17, we will begin our DCI National tour in Albuquerque, NM. We will continue our tour until world championships in Washington, D.C. We will return to Lubbock on August 14th. We will have more information by the next camp, so don't make too many final plans!!

    Summer Costs

    While dues cover all the major costs of the summer, there are a few things memebers need to be financially aware of.
    1) Shoes will cost $20 for each member. We will need to order these by the final camp (May 31st-June 2nd).
    2) Gloves for the hornline throughout the summer. Bring about $10 for 5 pairs.
    3) Food money for the road back. Because our cook staff will be leaving us in Washington, we will be eating a few meals on our own (fast food) during the trip home. There will be more details soon.

    Pictures Added

    Pictures have been added to the staff page as well as some oldies on the Misc. page!!! Go see!! Camp is around the corner. Contact the corps if you plan to attend!!!


    The newsletter will be out as soon as we get an offical result about the pacific tour. All days - Tuesday night the 30th is when we would like to start getting people gathered. The bus that was at the last camp is not going to be ours just in case you were wondering. We are still in need of a couple of more people. Visit back in the coming week for more details. May camp looks like more of a music camp and some marching fundamentals. These are just notes I got from Scott today. -Mario

    May Camp

    This is just a reminder that the next camp is May 19-21. Pictures have been added to the staff and pictures page. Go see!

  • APRIL 2000
  • April Camp

    Legend held its camp on April 7-9th, 2000. Alot got done esp. in the marching area. We learned the opening drill to the opener. Heath Garcia, attended the camp and will be the pit tech this year. The drumline is set, but we are still looking for members to fill pit and hornline spots! Contact the corps for more information!!

  • MARCH 2000
  • March Camp

    Reminder that the march camp has been moved to April 7-9th, 2000.

  • FEBRURARY 2000
  • March Camp Moved!

    The March Camp has been moved to April 7-9th, 2000. Please contact the corps if you are wanting to attend or confirming that you will be there. Thank you.

    Spots still open

    The Legend of Texas Drum & Bugle Corps is still looking for a few good musicians to march the 2nd season of Legend. Exact spots will be posted soon. Come back and see!!

    Da "Drumline" Page

    It is here. Come and check out the Legend Drumline 2000 page. The drumline was set at the February camp and is ready to destroy anything in its path. It is still under construction, but it is coming along.

  • JANUARY 2000
  • Reminder

    Please know that we want to help with whatever questions you have, but remember we only have one full time person to handle all day to day operations. Just because a response is not quick, it does not mean it is not forthcoming. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated. (E-mail is great!!!!)

    West Texas Summer Music Games Return

    On July 18, 2000, the Legend of Texas will host the 2nd annual West Texas Summer Music Games in Canyon, Texas. Because of tour constraints, DCI opted to leave the show in Canyon for one more year. Siting distance between shows as the main factor for putting te show back in the Amarillo area, DCI felt that the distance from Lubbock to Tuls, OK (the next tour show) was too far for the participating corps to travel. There is an understanding that corps shoul not haev to travel over 350 miles between shows one day apart. Whatever the reason, we at Legend are happy to bring a drum corps competition to West Texas for the second year in a row. This year should prove to be bigger and better. This years participants are:


  • Santa Clara Vanguard Santa Clara, CA
  • Phantom Regiment Rockford/Loves Park, IL
  • Blue Knights Denver, CO
  • Troopers Casper, WY
  • Tarheel Sun Cary, NC
  • Legend of Texas Lubbock, TX
  • Possibly one more other Div. II-III corps

    Movin' on up

    The first winter camp for the 2000 season was held over the weekend of December 17-19, 1999 in Idalou, Texas. During the weekend, we saw some old friends, but the best part was the new faces. The goal of the corps this year is to increase membership size to 54. The first camp saw 32! That is already over 50% larger than last year's 15th place unit. Even though we had a good turnout, there were several that were not able to attend because of the holidays. Despite our great start, we still have a few openings, mainly in the hornline and guard captions. Thank you to all of those that made the effort to attend the first camp! We are on our way.

    Membership placement camp extended

    Due to scheduling problems with some of the staff, we haev extended the placement camp until February. This will not only give the staff the proper time to fairly evaluate the prospective members it will also help those members feel more comfortable with the program of the corps. I hope this does not cause any problems, rather helps strengthen our product. If there are any questions about this change, please contact the corps.

    Wish List

    This is a wish list of the items we will need to operate a national tour efficiently. All itmes on the list would be considered a tax deductable donation to the donor because we are a non-profit organization. If you wish, you can donate some or all of the approximate amount that each item would cost. Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated. Some of these items seem extreme both in accessibility and cost, but they might be easier to find than you think.

  • Wish I - Laptop computer (est. cost $1,000)
  • Wish II - Tools and Toolbox (est. cost $400)
  • Wish III - Cooking Items: Pots, Pans, Utinsels - Large capacity (est. cost $250)
  • Wish IV - (3) %-gal Water Coolers (est. cost $30 ea.)
  • Wish V - Freezer(s) Large capacity (est. cost $700)
  • Wish VI - Ice Machine - commercial (est. cost $500)
  • Wish VII - Generater 4k-6k watt (est. cost $800)
  • Wish VIII - Lumber for Equip. Truck (est. cost $500)
  • Wish IX - Non-perishable food items
  • Wish X - Items for first aid kit (est. cost $150)
  • Wish XI - (45) Marching hats (est. cost $15 ea.)
  • Wish XII - Small comination safe (est. cost $150)
  • Wish XIII - Truck/Bus Drivers (est. cost $2500 ea.)
  • Wish XIV - VOLUNTEERS (est. cost $PRICELESS)

    Honorary Legend Program

    There is now another way to help keep Legend of Texas going. We are proud to announce the "HONORARY LEGEND" Program. For a donation of $120 to the Legend of Texas, doners receive a unique 3D, limited edition plaque with your personal or business' name engraved on the front. Now, you can show your support for the corps while telling the world of this great organization. For more information, please contact the corps.

  • DECEMBER 1999
  • The Legend of Texas Drum & Bugle Corps held its first camp of the 1999-2000 season. An outstanding number of potential members turned out and made the camp run smoothly. The drumline had a full size Div. I size line at this camp, and the hornline played through the entire opener. We are happy to see many new faces and look foward to having you as a member of the second season of the Legend of Texas.

  • NOVEMBER 1999
  • We are proud to announce our intentions of taking a first ever tour of California! Scott will be attending the DCI-Pacific meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada on December 10-12th to determine the details of the tour. Preliminary indications put 2-3 shows in California with 2 other shows possibly in Phoenix and Las Vegas. The entire tour will take a little over two weeks in mid-June. Other tour plans are to see San Francisco and Disneyland in Los Angeles! More details will be at the December Camp - Don't miss it!!

    Membership Spots

    Due to the overwhelming success of the 1999 Inaugural Season, the Legend of Texas plans to increase the corps membership to 56! We finished 15th in Div. III for 1999 with only 20 members so just imagine what can be done with 3 times as many! The following are spots that are available for the 2000 season:

    10 Sopranos (trumpets)
    8 Baritones (baris & t-bones)
    4 Mellophones (french horns)
    4 Contras (tubas)
    5 Snares
    4 Basses
    2 Tenors
    6 Pit (mallets)
    10 Guard
    1 Drum Major

  • AUGUST 1999
  • Today August 16, 1999, The Legend of Texas Drum & Bugle corps returned home from Madison, Wisconsin. Legend tied for 15th with a score of 75.0

  • JULY 1999
  • On July 4, 1999, The Legend of Texas Drum & Bugle corps took top honors in the music category at the 4th on Broadway parade in Lubbock, Texas.

  • MAY 1999
  • May Camp Cancelled!!!

    Due to matters out of our control, we have to cancel the May 21,22,23 camp in Idalou, TX. Due to an oversight, we were not able to use the facilities as expected. I am sorry for the inconvenience this may previously cause, but is was not in our control. The next scheduled meeting for the Legend of Texas is all day rehearsals on Sat. June 12. For additional information, please contact the corps office. Thanks for your understanding on the matter.

    Scott Puryear
    Executive Director

    "The beat goes on - Courtesy of Dynasty Percussion"

    The Dynasty Percussion Company has agreed to sponsor the Legend of Texas with a full line of percussion needs. These will include: all battery equipment needs and a full line of drum heads and promotional items. Dynasty is a newer percussion company that has recently redesigned their effort in the field of musical equipment. We are very happy to be a part of this new effort and we look forward to many years of success and partnership with Dynasty. Special thanks to Mr. Alan Murray of Dynasty and Mr. Ray Jent of Jent's House of Music, Inc. for their help in making this sponsorship possible. We should take delivery of our new percussion equipment by the end of May.

    "Don't miss the bus!!!"

    We are proud to announce the purchase of our first tour bus. The Legend of Texas is finalizing a deal to purchase a GMC 40-foot, 47 passenger charter bus. The delivery of this bus should be towards the end of this month. The bus is loaded with all the comforts and will the flagship of our fleet!!
    In a related story, we will soon begin construction on our Equipment/Food truck. The trailer is 40 foot long and will feature the front half dedicated to summer food needs while the back half will feature room for all the instruments, props, uniforms and guard equipment. The project will be completed sometime before our first Exhibition Tour begins - sometime in late June.

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