MARATHON 2004!!!once again, an awesome time. got to see lots of friendly, smiling faces. and go for a midnight denny's run with mer, ryan, and jenny, which is always interesting... some really good pictures in here, and some really random pictures in here too... lots of pictures of mer with other people, despite all her arguing (HAHA, you lose). congrats to all the dancers, and the parents and alumni who help run the dance every year. it can't be done without all the help. $147,261making the grand total... $1,054,942that's awesome. also, be sure to check out the The SHMD Alumni Page alumni cheering pumping up the dancers tony, mer, justin, rob, nadine, and chad aww... cute one of justin's pictures i stole it. muhahaha... resting in the lgi for a bit that's a lot of alumni! first meeting of the dance beer's coach harland stories that was definitely interesting... blowing bubbles for some reason, this was really interesting after not sleeping... casey and the very intimidating security guys i was instructed by the guy on the right to name this picture "the pink thing between the two red balls" casey and oddey during paradise the dancers cheering at the beginning of the dance the cheese, mouse, cat, dog, dogcatcher, robot, alien group alumni counting and rolling change a continuous process dancers... another of justin's pictures! me, mer, megan, and the other girl (i forgot her name) cutting massive amounts of oranges look at mer's, they're so pretty... simon says! i'm going for two in a row now dancing in the bleachers yes... very intimidating security guys... they're awesome the robot i can only assume these were from the future costumes i hope... the human puzzle! the human tunnel so glad they brought that back.. the last time it was done was our freshman year! rob, adam, me, some girl, danielle, and mer at the information booth working hard.... and eating sno-cones justin! kyle noonan another side effect of sleep deprivation... me and mer me, mer, and ashley so glad she came to the dance this year! (very glad you came too mer, but that was never a question!) me, mer, and kara one of mr. wilson and mr. wirfel's pictures me, mer, and ryan damn that kid is tall... mer! the sleeping parent... mer is there so it didn't look too ovbious that i was taking a picture of the guy sleeping in the corner of the bleachers mer and chad! so glad he came too! mer doing the elaine dance haha mer and laura mer and ryan mer and ryan doing some disco even though there was no music at the time... haha mer and ryan dancing some more except this time there was music... mony mony... yay oddey watching over the dance it's pretty dark, but i swear he's there paradise ron, matt stewart, oddey, and that kid that i can never remember his name... fashion by scott buckley HA shannon, and i can't remember the other girls name everybody looks tired! supermarket pictures! i took a lot of those the ryans ryan wilson and ryan connor... those are some tall boys we thought you said tb! tv costume awards time the ymca guys complete with officer jeff the auction and that's it! back to the pictures page home