You Know You're a Fan of Backstreet Boys When...

...You take your younger sibling to their friends party, while participating in a round of musical chairs you all of a sudden break into the folding chair choreography sequence from "As Long As You Love Me".

...You're invited to a Halloween Party with your friends and the five of you go dressed as one of each: a vampire, a werewolf, a mummy, Dr.Jekyll, and The Phantom Of the Opera.

...It starts pouring down with rain outside you reenact the "Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)" video by singing and dancing in your front yard for the whole neighborhood to see!(Ej's Note: My older sister and I did actually do this once as a spur of the moment thing, except it was in the backyard, where it was less embarrassing. :::heehee::: I got to play Nick and AJ woo-hoo!!!)

...While in a furniture store you reenact the "I'll Never Break Your Heart" video with the different room scenes. ...You refuse to be known as anything except for The-Soon-To-Be- Mrs. Littrell,McLean, Carter, Richardson, or Dorough.

You know you are a fan of *N SYNC when....

While taking buddy pictures(you and your friends are all dressed alike), you and your friends break into a performance of "Tearin' Up My Heart".

You and your friends pitch in to rent a blue convertible, when you come to stop light you all get out and start dancing and singing to "I Want You Back" until it turns green.

You change your speaking skills to ebonics so that Justin can understand you when you meet him

You and your friends do something "special" for their birthdays:
Chris: you dread lock your hair and get a dog like busta for the day
Justin: you bleach your hair
JC: you sleep all day in honor for his birthday
Joey: you dye your hair to match Joey's and you wear superman stuff
Lance: you go horse back-riding and tell people "I'm from Mississippi even when you aren't"

You refuse to attend your school's prep rally unless there are N Sync look alikes on the team and they play "Here We Go" throughout the prep rally.