Britney Fan Story

We have no idea who wrote this, just that it was sent to us and the person that sent it said we could use it, but they didn't write it. IF you are the author to this let us know so you can get FULL credit for it. If it's off someone's site give us the URL so we can go make sure then e-mail the site owner and ask if we can use it.

Hi, my name is *Whitney. I have a horrible story to share with you and it is all Britney Spears fault! Britney WAS my idol, and I heard she had gotten breast implants. Since I respected her so much, I decided I too needed this enchancment, considering my breats were only 34C. After careful consideration and about a thousand Britney Spears pictures later I went and spoke with a breast enhancement specialist. After being told about all of the dangers that could come with the surgery (i.e. Back problems, hard to swim, being called a "whore", having trouble standing up straight, being stared at, etc.) I decided this is exactly what I needed! So, I had the surgery done, and everything was fine until I went home. I stoped to smell the roses on the way, and the weight from my new "friends" made me fall forward into the thorns. When I got home, I found a leak in my left "purchase". I later on found that the silicon was leaking. I had a faulty chest. I went back to the doctor, and learned that the silicon had leaked into my body and I had silicon poisoning. My left breast had to be amputated. Now, I only have one real breast, I don't even have a fake left one, the enhancement and ampution took all my money. Insurance doesn't cover it, because they have a thing against britney spears. Now, people stare at me for a different reason. Guys don't run to me anymore, they run away. AND IT IS ALL BRITNEY SPEARS FAULT!!! This torture I endure everyday is her fault. Thanks for letting me share my depressing story. Please share this story with friends so they don't make the same mistake I did.
*not real name. fake name used to protect the one-breasted girl.
