BackSnap II

*We borrowed 2 pictures from 2 sites without permission, but we kept the website's addy on it.

:::nick dreaming:::: Brian, no stop! I said we could buddies- not sleeping budd

JP:EJ- I thought I told you to let Nick touch the wires BEFORE he got in the pool.

EJ: (grins devilishly) Do you hear my mom calling me? BRB!

Nick:"Oyoyyooyoy yay, I am Tarzan from jungle, you can be my friend, oyoyoyoyoyyoy yay, I am Jane and I love to ride an elephant"

Brian: go cheetah ,go banana, hey monkey get funky!"

Brian: hey hey heeeeeey! alrightttttyyyyyyyy then!

Howie: i think she winked at me!

AJ: dude- I saw her first.

Nick: dude- y'all that's my sister!

Kevin:Nick- it's good to be nice to youre sister but she's not THAT pretty.

Hi- my name is Nick. I admit I was scared to come to this meeting but I knwo now it's better to be open about your problems. Again I am nick, and I'm proud to say I have been sober from Twinkies for 20 minutes. But they have seemed like forever.