Brian and His Hush Puppies

Car pulls in
Brian: Welcome to Long John Silvers
Customer: What you have there?
Brian: Fish and chicken meals. Some for $3.99, $4.99, and a family value meal for $1.99.
Customer: What do I get?
Brian: For 4.99 you get 3 batter dipped fish or chicken, 5 pieces of shrimps and three hush puppies and fries.
Customer: Hush puppies? Those dogs!
Brian: No Sir a well balanced...
Customer: What's in the family meal?
Brian: Your choice of Fish, chicken plus hush puppies and fries and shrimp
Customer: Boy you trying to sell me some damn dogs again?
Brian: Sir they aren't dogs
Customer: Is that what they tell you to say in the handbook? if so I guess I much for them?
Brian: A $1.99
Customer: Why so cheap? Spoiled fish, chicken or dog? Brian: We're having a special sir
Customer: I can see that-dead dog. what it is road kill?
Brian: Sir hush puppies aren't dogs!
Customer: K, K, where's the fish from? Pacific or Atlantic?
Brian: I'm not certain sir, all I know is that it's hand picked.
Customer: hum...did they wash their hands?
Brian: Yes sir they did.
Customer: How would you know? Were you there?
Brian: Yes sir, I was
Customer: How old are you son?
Brian: 16 years old
Customer: What school do you go to?
Brian: Why is this important sir?
Customer: I'd like to know what they teach you.
Brian: Actually I'm not attending soon because I plan to break the world record for making hush puppies soon
Customer: (not paying attention) Why do they call it Long John Silvers?
Brian: I dunno no
Customer: Why not-fish, chicken, and dead dog place?
Brian: That would be too long sir, besides people don't like eating dead dogs
Customer: you like serving them! humm..i wonder
Brian: wonder what?
Customer: What John had that was soooo long...
Brian: I don't care to discuss that sir
Customer: You seem not to want to discuss much young man
Brian: Are you going to order something?
Customer: you have lobster?
Brian: no we don't
Customer: why?
Brian: I don't know why
Customer: Well you should...I like lobster. Have you had lobster?
Brian: (Brian getting angry) Yes I have
Customer: Okay don't get all upset. What's in the family meal?
Brian: Fish, chicken, hush puppies, fries and shrimp
Customer: For 1.99?
Brian: that's right.
Customer: if I'm correct this is a family meal?
Brian: yes
Customer: Then it should have more!
Brian: I don't understand sir.
Customer: You said for 4.99 I could get 3 fish or chicken
Brian: correct
Customer: why then does the family mean have less?
Brian: I don't know that's what the paper says
Customer: uh-hu..son?
Customer: Can I ask you a question?
Customer: Is there a Burger King nearby?
Brian: Down the street to your left.
