Star Trek Characters

After thinking about it long and hard (yes I do think) I've come up with a list of what the guys would be if they were characters on Star Trek. I used to watch ST: TNG, but when it ended-I catch some of the newer ones sometimes. Lets gets ready to as Capt. Kirk and Capt. Picard would say: "To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before!"

A Note from the Ships Counsellor and Lt. Commander:

Welcome to Starship Robent 1125-T. We're located approximately 9,000 light years away from Earth and the nearest Star Base is 5,000 light years away: Deep Space 28. The nearest Starship Mecm 0231-A is located 2,500 light years away. I hope you enjoy your visit on Starship Robent 1125-T.

If there is an emergency an officer will contact you immediatly and take you to the holding block until everything is settled. In case there is an attack on the ship we ask you to please stay where you are at and do not move or contact anyone. We shall contact you. Your safety is important to us. In case we do have to sepearte the ship the ships saucer section will seperate and you need not worry since the saucer section is where the living quarters are locate. If you require medical attention please visit Sick Bay located on Deck 25. Dr. Orlick will be happy to help you out.

If you happen to need me please do call on me I'm usually on the bridige, but please keep in mind that civilians are not allowed on the bridge. You can get ahold of me by imforming any officer and they shall contact me and if you can't reach me there please try The Holodeck or Ten Fore. Again I welcome you to the ship. Enjoy your stay.

~JP, Lieutenant-Commander & Ships Counsellor.

The Officers:

Capt (Kevin Richardson)
Commander & Ships Executive Officer (Jeff Timmons)
Lt. Commander (Sean)
Lt. Commander, Engineering Officer (Scott)
Ships Asst.Doctor: (Abs)
Lieutenant & Head of Security (Justin)
Ensign (Justin Timerlake)

Alien Life Forms:

Nick Lachey-A Ferengi
J Brown-A Cardassian
Nick Carter-Member of the Q Continuum
Brian Littrell-Talaxian
AJ-Human Cybernetic (he was acquired from the Borg after the Borg left him).