Our Thank Yous

Our Thanks to You:
Amanda thanks for making the banner! We LOVE you!
To that special person-You know who you are and what you did! We thank for that. =)
Teen People for the pictures of some of the guys!
Many thanks to the people who let us borrow their images, pictures and so forth. PLEASE do visit their pages marked with: **.
THANK YOU for visiting our site! We hope you come back to visit us and link us!
Our thanks you also extend to *N Sync, Backstreet, 98 Degrees and Five! Without the talent you guys have we would have never done a page! Thanks to you guys! =)
To Britney Spears-if you weren't so talentless right now we couldn't be making fun you. We thank whoever, but blame them for giving you a career.


Email: blbreen99@yahoo.com