Change of Heart: Brian & Leighanne

Chris Jagger: Welcome to change of heart! The show where couples come on to find out where they stand in their relationship. Lets meet our first couple, Brian and Leighanne. Tell me Leighanne why did you call?

Leighanne: Well, basically I want to know if I things between us are okay.

Chris Jagger: Why?

Leighanne: It's that Brian travels a lot and sometimes I feel lonely.

Chris: Brian what do you do?

Brian: I'm a singer

Chris: Any good?

Brian. Um..I think so.

Leighanne: Brian is a member of the Backstreet Boys

Chris: Really? What do you do Leighanne?

Leighanne: I'm an actress.

Chris: Done any movies?

Leighanne: Uh-hu. I was in Wild America with Jonathan Taylor Thomas; he's so dreamy! In My Fellow Americans in which I had a sex scene.

Chris: Um..Okay

Leighanne: I'm in a movie right now called Orange Juice, I mean Olive Juice and Brian's dog is in it.

Chris: How did that happen?

Leighanne: I took him to the set and everybody loved him.

Chris: You got the part because of the dog?

Leighanne: No silly! I'm great actress that's why!

Chris: Okay...tell me how you two met.

Leighanne: On the set of one of his music videos.

Chris: so on the job?

Leighanne: yup.

Chris: Describe a typical date with Brian.

Leighanne: He's so romantic. Flowers and candles.

Chris: Brian what do you think of this relationship?

Brian: I think we're fine. I need a girl who can put up with me, my fans, and my traveling.

Chris: Leighanne?

Leighanne: I need someone who'll boost my career-I mean support my career.

Chris: okay...what's this about Brian's hair?

Leighanne: he never cuts it!! I tell him and he doesn't.

Brian: I do too cut it.

Leighanne: Only when your mom tells you!

Chris: Mama's boy?

Brian: No

Leighanne: (laughs) Whatever! On the album he wrote a song for his mom!

Brian: I love her!

Leighanne: Oh you suck up to her! What about your brother? He must feel bad because he's not the "perfect son."

Chris: What's this about?

Brian: I wrote a song for my mom to show her how I respect her, care for her and love her.

Chris: There's nothing wrong with that Leighanne! What kind of guy do you want to go out with?

Leighanne: A rich, rich, man opps I mean a person who's always at home.

Chris: When we come back we will hear all about Leighanne's date!

commerical break

Chris: Leighanne you said you wanted to date someone's who's there all the time. Let us bring out Tim, who's an event planner!

(Tim comes out)

Leighanne gets up and hugs him.

Chris: Brian what do you think of Tim?

Brian: he seems like a nice a guy

Chris: Tell us about your date.

Leighanne: Time stood me up twice!

Tim: I was working on a major project.

Leighanne: You told me your grandma was sick!

Chris: I think you've been busted.

Tim: So I lied.

Chris: Does Brian lie?

Leighanne: Um..once in a while.

Brian: Only when I need to.

Chris: What happened?

Leighanne: Tim and I talked on the phone and we agreed to go to this Mexican place.

Tim: after she refused to eat Cajun food.

Leighanne: I told you I don't like hot food.

tim: Sure you were crying like a baby after you had hot salsa and the salsa wasn't even hot!

Leighanne: They said it was mild! That thing was extra, extra, extra, extra hot!

Chris: Got burned eh?

Leighanne: Somewhat.

Chris: Did she tell you who her boyfriend was?

Tim: (rolls eyes) Did she! She kept talking about his number one hits and so forth.

Chris: Did she complain about the fans?

Tim: Hell yeah!

Leighanne: I did not!

Tim: You just don't remember because you were drunk

Chris: Drunk?

Tim: Yes drunk.

Brian: Leighanne! How many drinks did she have?

Tim: 6 glasses of Brandy, 8 bottles of beer.

Brian: why didn't you stop her?

Tim: I did! she just doesn't listen!

Chris: Then what happened?

Tim: She got all bossy so I paid and took her home. She then asked me to go up to her place and when I refused she started crying.

Leighanne: I wasn't drunk I was acting!

Tim: You could've fooled me.

Leighanne: I got you sooo good!

Tim: You are full of it!

Leighanne: No I got you good!

Tim: Leighanne I think your horny and crazy!

Leighanne: Why? Because I slept with you and don't love you?

Brian? You slept with him?

Leighanne: Yeah so?

Tim: I feel for you Brian. Get yourself a good girl-one who doesn't use you.

Chris: Well put! When we come back we will hear all about Brian's date!

Long commercial break

Chris: Earlier we heard about Leighanne's date, now lets hear about Brian's. JP hails from Ft Worth, TX and she's delt with fame before.
(JP comes out and hugs Brian, sits next to him and they hold hands together)

Chris: Leighanne what do you think of JP?

Leighanne: She looks like a nice girl, but not at all Brian's type.

JP: (smiles)Thanks.

Chris: How have you come in contact with fame?

JP: I dated a hockey player's son who was well known around the New York area and we'd get stopped a lot, and I've dated two top scoring learders in the Western States Hockey League. Girls around getting their autograpsh before they make it big. It's not even close to what these two must go through, but I can handle my own!

Chris: Very interesting. Brian tell us about your date.

Brian: Well, I called JP and asked her where she'd like to go and she said she was working, but was going to Tampa the following week so we agreed to meet then.

Chris: Why were you going to Tampa?

JP: I'm an intern for the Dallas Stars and I was going to the game to help out with PR.

Chris: Okay.

Brian: Well, she asked me to go to the game and I went.

Leighanne: A hockey game? That's a first.

Chris: You never go to hockey games?

Chris: Were you smitten?

Chris: JP your reaction?

JP: He looked great! i could tell he had just gotten a haircut.

Leighanne: What?! I've telling you to get your hair cut for months!

Brian: I cut my hair.

Leighanne: Whatever!

Chris: Where did you go to dinner?

JP: Actually he packed a picnickso we went to the beach and ate there and talked.

Chris: About?

Brian: It was nice getting to know someone and their views on the world.

Leighanne: Did teenyboppers bother you?

JP: Not at all.

Leighanne: That's a first.

Chris: What happened next?

Brian: Well, JP said she felt like playing basketball so we did.

Chris: who won?

JP: I did!

Brian: yeah she's good.

Chris: Then what?

Brian: We took a stroll along the beach. Gazed at the stars. Then I took her back to her hotel room.

Chris: No goodnight kiss?

Brian: No.

Leighanne: I don't believe that!

JP: Believe it.

Chris: Overall was it a good date?

JP: I think so.

Brian: Yes it was.

Chris: When we come back we'll find out if the date Leighanne and Brian went on changed anything!

Long commerical break

Chris: Welcome back. Earlier we heard from both Brian & Leighanne and their date. Now lets see if anything has changed and after this there's no turning back! Leighanne lets start with you first.

Leighanne: Well, Tim even though I fooled you you are still a great guy. I enjoyed getting to know you, but at the same time I love Brian

Tim: That's fine

Leighanne: so I choose "Stay Together."

Chris: Okay Brian?

Brian: After this I learned a lot about our relationship Leighanne. I thought about it for a long time and JP I had a great time getting to know you. You are a beautiful young lady, and I cherished my time with you so I have chosen, "Change of heart."

Leighanne: (not expecting this hits Brian) WHAT?

Chris: Brian would be you be willing to have another date with JP?

Brian: Yeah

Chris: JP?

JP: Of course!

Chris: Sorry things didn't work out with you Leighanne. That's all for today folks. See you next time on Change of Heart!
