Backstreet E-Mailed JP!

Like oh my gosh I couldn't believe it! I e-mailed them and moments later I got a response! Okay so it was a mail responder, but I think I know who wrote it:

HEY EVERYBODY WHASSUP?!How do you know it was a lot of people that sent the e-mail? It was just me!

THANKS FOR YOUR OVERWELMING SUPPORT.In other words for all the money I've given you WE KNOW YOU'RE GONNA LOVE THE SHOW!!!!!!!!!Why so many exclamation marks? One or two would've been enough. WE ARE HAVING SO MUCH FUN WITH THIS ONE.With what?

WATCH FOR OUR NEWEST VIDEO TO DEBUT ON MTV VERY, VERY SOON.I watched it yes I did, but I got this after it debuted!

SEE YA ON THE ROAD!okay I don't wanna be roadkill, but I'll be on the road-take Route 66 all the way to New Mexico (not Mexico, but NEW Mexico) you'll pass Albuquerque, but head on I-25 till you get to Central then go by UNM and see if you can find me!

THE BSB'S the BSB's?? Um..okay
The Official Backstreet Boys Site: <---like I don't know the address
The Official Backstreet Boys Store: <---more proof they want you to buy things
I think Kevin typed this letter up. He seems like an all caps kind of guy!
