The Godfather: Fan Fiction

The Godfather, Don Fatone, is eating pasta with red clam sauce that Goldie Locks made for him. He is wearing black pants and a beige cashmere sweater. Louis, the maid, enters the room franticly. Don Fatone looks up, "What is it Louis? I thought I told you not to disturb us." "I'm sorry, but Father Paul is here to see you," Louis said. Don Fatone sighs deeply, drops his fork, crosses his palms and rests his chin on them, "Bring him in." Father Paul enters the room wearing black pants and a black shirt with his dog collar on. Don Fatone gets up and shakes his hand, "Father what brings you?" "We have a problem. Can I speak in front of the boy?" Father Paul asked. Don Fatone looks at Goldie Locks, "Goldie Locks this is Father Paul." Goldie Locks jumps out of his chair, "YO! Was up?" Father Paul smiles, "Welcome child." "Now tell me what the problem is," Don Fatone said. Father Paul takes a deep breath, "Last night we had a problem at the club. It seems that Butch had a run in with the Barrelli's. My understanding is that he was dancing with a young lady and a Barrelli wanted to dance with her and Butch didn't want to. They got into a scrap. I talked to Don Jabba the Hut Barrelli this morning and he said one more incident and that was the last straw." Don Fatone snapped his fingers four times and Dreads, Smoothie, the Silencer, and Luscious Lips enter the room. "Tell me what happened last night," Don Fatone yelled. No one moved. "Tell me or Goldie Locks here will set you straight!" he ordered. Smoothie walks up to Don Fatone, "Butch was dancing with a girl and the Pedophile wanted to dance with her and he cut in, " Luscious Lips cuts in, "That's right lad. We tried to stop Butch, but it was too late." "And this she a Barrelli?" asked Don Fatone. "No, but her sister is," said Dreads. Everyone in the room looks at each other confused. Don Fatone signals for Dreads to come closer to him, "Do YOU think I AM stupid? Do YOU?!" "No sir, who told you that," Dreads asked. "Boss do ya wanna me to beat the crap outta im?" Goldie Locks asked. "Good thinking, but I'll let this one pass. Smoothie show Goldie Locks to his room and everyone can go. Father? I need you to bring me a virgin like boy." "What do you plan to do?" "I'm tired of this. We're going to the mattresses."

The Barrelli's are meeting with friends, family. Jabba the Hut stands up with a glass of red wine in his right hand. "I would like to make a toast to Pedophile for causing a stir up last night! Cheers!" Everyone makes the toast. Kitty stands up in disgust, "Jabba we NEED to talk!" She enters the house and goes directly to the office. "What's up?" he asks casually. "You know very well! Last night I was having fun whey did Peddie have to interrupt?" At that moment Bond Girl, Cool Cat and the Hulk enter the room. "You call can leave. I'm handling it," says Kitty. "I don't think so little sis. What Jabba did-he did it for the family!," Bond Girl said. "Well screw the family!" yells Kitty and Cool Cat corners Kitty. "Do YOU dare disrespect THE family?" he tells her. "We take care of you! Like an owner takes care of his pet, "says the Hulk. "So I'm a bitch?" Kitty asks. "You always take things the wrong way Kit. Imagine what your papa would be feeling at this moment? Let me refresh your memory. Your papa gave the title of Don when he fled. I'm in charge," Jabba said. "You are in charge of the business and the rest of the family! Not even Bond Girl is in charge of me!" yells Kitty as she storms out. Cool Cat proceeds to go after her, but Bond Girl stops him, "Let her go. She's just upset. Marcus please stop with the rules and having people follow us. The Fatone's haven't tried anything in months. I'll be going down there today to talk to don Fatone to straighten things out. The last thing we need is a war." "I don't think that's a good idea," the Hulk said. "Let me remind you guys until my sister or I marry you guys are in charge, after that you guys better get use to us ruling the family," Bond Girl said. "You're going to get yourself killed!"yells Marcus. "Then it was nice knowing you," she said walking out.

Bond Girl spots Kitty talking to the Pedophile. "Do me favor and stop watching out for me! For gods sake the secret service doesn't follow the president everywhere!" says Kitty. "Hey baby I just wanna be with you!" says the Pedophile. "Drop Dead!" "Hey late at night, I fantasized that you and I-you were rocking my world!" "Really? I dream that your rocking something...(she gets really close to him and strokes his chest. Pedophile has a giant smile on his face) my DOG!" Bond Girl walks up to Kitty, "Hey Peddie! If you'll excuse us. Lets go Kit," she says holding Kitty's hand.

Don Marcus is walking the floor restless, "Don't worry Marcus, Kit will come to her senses." says the Hulk as Sunshine walks in. "What happened to Butch? Some girl from Mississippi told me that Peds knocked him down!"Sunshine asked. "He went crying to Don Fatone. Nothing is going to stand in my way of ONE family ruling Orlando. NOTHING!!" yells Don Marcus.

"Here's the boy," says Father Paul as he enters the room. Don Fatone smiles, "What's your name?" he aks the boy. "My alias is 'Virgin Wannabe'," says Virgin Wannabe. Don Fatone raises his left eyebrow, "Are you one?" "NO Sir!" Don Fatone snaps his fingers two times, and the Warrior enters with the "bible." "Do you herby swear to become a Fatone for the rest of your life? To never betray the family? If you should betray the family-a sentence of death will be issued upon." Warrior read out loud. "Sure," answers Virgin Wannabe. "Then my boy-you are my brother Rob Fatone." Virgin Wannabe AKA RobFatone kneels down, "I'm at your service." "See this girl? Her name is Maren, but she goes by Bond Girl. Your job is to make her yours."
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