The Godfather: Fan Fiction

The sun was shining as bright as can be. Bond Girl and Kitty are walking at the park. "I'm SO sick of him!" said Kitty frustrated. "I know, but you know the plan,"said Bond Girl. "Why make the pact with the devil?" Bond girls begins to laugh, "You are soo mean to Marcus! He's trying to the best job possible. If you ask me he's not doing such a good job" "Are you really going to meet Don Fatone tonight?" asked Kitty. "Yeah." "Well, you know what they say bout him right?" "Yup and everyone always says, "You've seen one you've seen them all" besides he won't try anything." Kitty stopped to tie her shoe when she looks up and catches the eye of a young blond-beached by. He winks at her and she smiles. The young man looks over to Smoothie, "Who's that?" he asked. Smoothie looks up to see who he's pointing to, "Oh that's Kit Barrelli. That's the one Butch fought over." "Oh is she and Butch.." "Together? Nah." "She's cute. I wouldn't blame Butch." Smoothie smiles, "Both sisters are. Her older sis Bond Girl, she's been seeing the same guy for about two years. Everyone assumes they'll get married, but I doubt it." "Why's that?" "If you were to see those to-they're more like brother and sister. They grew up together." "Oh...I'm gonna get some ice cream. Want some?" "No thanks." "I'll be back." Goldie locks begins to walk towards Kitty. He straightens his shirt and smiles at her, "Hi." "Hi," she says smiling. "What's your name?" "Kitty yours?" "My friends call me Goldie Locks." " I wouldn't know why (she says looking at his hair). You new in town?" "Yeah I'm from Tennessee." "Welcome. That's my sister over there talking to Casey." "Are they dating?" Goldie Locks asks." No. People always assume that. He's our cousin from Sunset Beach. He's a lifeguard down there. Weird that people that think they're dating hu?" "Wicked. Listen i have to get going, but can I have your number?" "265-4596." "Great I'll call you." "I'll be waiting," Kitty yelled after him. Goldie Locks runs over to Smoothie, "We can go now." "What happened to your ice cream?" he asks. "Um...they sold out." "Sold out?" "They sold the last one to that boy." "You want it? I can get it for you." "Don't bother. I don't need the extra fat." "True, look at Jabba!" "Is he really fat?" "No, just pudgy at times." "I see," says Goldie Locks as they enter Smoothie's car.

At seven o'clock, Bond Girl, waited for Don Fatone in his living room. "Welcome beautiful," Don Fatone says wearing a white dress shirt, and dark blue slacks. "Anthony you do why I'm here correct?" "I can take a guess. You come to say you want peace within the familles." "Yes." "Look at you-all dressed in a black business suit. People in this house might think you're a lawyer." "Anthony please work with me." "You even talk like one." "Here are the terms: (Bond Girl takes out the papers and lays them on the table) you leave the Barrelli's problems to themselves, tell your people to leave us alone, and pay back the debut you owe our family." Don Fatone picks up the papers and revises them. "What I don't agree?" "Be prepared to fight," she said. Don Fatone smiles, "Maren, I'll see you on the battle field." She looks up at him "What? You are worthless Fatone! You are a man of little means (she looks down at his pants) and I DO mean little means. Rot in hell!" He grabs her arms tightly, "Listen to me! Your family is losing power everyday! You're powerless against me!" "You'll see who wins this battle!" she says spitting his face and walks out. Don Fatone begins to laugh. Rob Fatone dressed in white pants and a white shirt with a blue strip in the middle, barefoot walks out behind the curtain. "That was quick." "I didn't plan on getting upset at her, but she drives me crazy!" "I can see that Anthony. Her father is dead?" "Yes." "How did he die?" "All I know is that it had nothing to do with business. I stopped caring a long time ago." Rob picks up a picture frame from the bookcase, "Who's this?" he asks. Don Fatone turns around walks up to him and takes the picture from him, "My father with Michael Barrelli. They were once good friends." "What happened?"

"How did it go?" Cool Cat asks as Bond Girl enters the study. She looks at him, "I hate that man! UGH! (she grabs a vase and throws it) I hate the FATONE'S!!" "I told you he wouldn't listen," Jabba says entering the room. "You! You started this and you're going to fix it!" she says pointing her index finger at him. "Don't blame me-blame..." "Don't blame my family! This is your doing!" she yelled. "A little fun never hurt anyone!" he said in a cocky voice. "You BASTARD! I can kill you right now!" Suddenly bricks begin flying into the windows, breaking the windows as they enter the room. "SHIT! Everybody down! Get down!" yells Jabba. "Holy Shit! Sunshine get down!" yells the Hulk. Two minutes passed before anyone got up, "Are you okay?" Cool Cat asked Bond Girl. "Yeah. Kitty...I need to find her!" Kitty runs out the door running franticly, "Mouse! Mouse! Where's Kit?" "In her room." She climbs up the stairs, "Kit? Are you in here? Oh my god (she says as she sees her window broken) Rainbow!! Rainbow-have you seen Kit?" "Yeah in her room." "She's not in there! Oh my god. Marcus! (she yells repeatedly as she runs downstairs) Marcus!" "What?" he asks running towards her. "Kit is not in her room." "What? She has to be here somewhere." "She not! Her window is broken and she's not in her room!" "Look around you all the windows are broken." "NO! LISTEN TO ME! SHE'S NOT IN HER ROOM!" she yells.

~~~~The Saga Will continues now~~~~~~~~

Goldie Locks sits patiently in the park daydreaming and scanning the park. All of a sudden Kitty sneaks up and covers his eyes from behind him.

"Guess who?"
Goldie Locks slides the hands from his face and turns around, "Hey!"
"Hi… you look surprised to see me Goldie Locks."
Goldie Locks stares at her for a moment and smiles, "No, Kitty…"
"Please, call me Kitt. Kitty sounds like… well, just bad"
"OK then, Kitt- I just… well to tell you the truth I didn't think you'd come, I couldn't believe that someone like you would bother with me."
"Really, why? Did I give you a bad first impression? I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I really li…"
Goldie Locks interrupts, smiling, "No… actually, I got a great first impression of you." Goldie Locks bites his bottom lip while looking about her. "You seemed like a really nice person."
Kitty smiles bashfully, "Thanks. To tell you the truth, you really caught my eye too."
Goldie Locks smiles, " So how'd you get the name Kitty?"
"It's just an awful nickname that somehow got stuck with me since I was little. I don't even know how either! I hate being known as an animal!"
" Well you know animals are a thing of nature and nature is always, a very beautiful thang… ugh… I mean thing. Cats happen to be a unique creature. They're independent thinkers, smart and some are very, very beautiful."
" You think their smart? I think they can be lazy, believe me I have one and she acts as if she's queen."
" OK, maybe you're right but still… some cats are very beautiful."
"Gees, I didn't know someone could be so passionate about a species."
Goldie Locks chuckles, "Kitt, you know what I mean. I mean some have distinct features that no one can find in any other one… that results in - some are very beautiful."
Kitty looks down flattered. Goldie Locks smoothly spreads his hand across his face sweeping a hair strands away from her eyes. He lifts her head by the chin and smiles as he looks into her eyes and loses all sanity. He leans in closer and speaks softly, "-especially one in particular." They both lean in closer and indulge in a romantic kiss. Once they pull away Goldie Locks smiles at her but Kitty looks down, "Um… I don't think that..."
* * *

"Then where the hell else could she be" yells Jabba.
"I don't know! Do you think I'd be asking if I knew?"
Cool Cat interrupts, "Look calm down, both of you. We just have to find her that's all."
"I wonder where you got an idea like that Sherlock." Jabba exclaims sarcastically.
Cool Cat glances at Jabba, "Shut up you bastard. Look, I'll send the Hulk and Rainbow to go look for her we'll all split up and try to find her."
Jabba conceitedly replies, "Excuse me Cool Cat, but who the hell put you in charge?"
"Look Jabba, your supposed to be Don right?"
"Yeah, so?"
"Well you're sure as hell not acting like it." Cool Cat leaves the room, Jabba's appalled.
Bond girl goes back to Kitt's room to search for clues as to where she might be, she finds a message left on her voice-mail from earlier that day. "Yo, woman! I ugh, mean, ugh, Hi! Kitty this is Goldie Locks. We met in the park earlier today. I was wondering if you'd like to meet with me to talk or something. Meet me in the park, I'll be under the tree by the lake opposite the dock, around 4:30 - 5:00. Hope to see you there. Bye!"
"Damn it! Cool Cat get in here!"
Cool Cat comes running into the room, "What is it?"
"Call back The Hulk and Rainbow. I know where she is. Listen." Bond Girl plays back the message for him, they look at each other and go back on their way.
Cool Cat calls for Jabba, "Jabba come!"
Jabba enters the room and they play back the message for him. "Damn it! Cool Cat Please go gather The Hulk, Rainbow, Sunshine, The Mouse, The Fisherman, and especially The Pedifile. If she chooses to disobey the house orders then we're just going to have a little fun with our friend."
"Do we go get her Jabba?"
"No Bond girl, let her have her visit. We'll just be waiting for her right here when she comes back. This time she's going to deal with me, whether she likes it or not."
* * *
"I'm sorry Kitt, I thought we both"
"No, Goldie Locks- I…" Kitty strokes the side of his face, "don't be sorry. I liked it, I just, never mind."
Goldie Locks confused asks, "What?"
"Nothing Goldie Locks"
No really Kitt, please tell me."
"Well it's just there's this guy…"
Goldie Locks interrupts and looks down, " Your boyfriend?"
Kitty smiles, "No, not my boyfriend. In fact I hate his guts. He tries to act like he is though. I hate him. You though- I like- a lot."
"Really?" He clears his throat, "I mean, then what's the problem?"
"Well he's very protective of me. Sometimes it's like I'm his property or something. He just bugs me."
"Well, why don't you say something about it?"
" I can't. He's very good friends with my family. They all like him very much, don't get me wrong or anything I like that he watches out for me and all but I like him in the sense that he's like a brother to me. He obviously doesn't like me like a sister though."
"You want me to do something about him?"
"No , look I'm fine, I can handle him. He's kind of like an M&M he just melts around me. I'm afraid though for you. He can get out of hand sometimes, and I'm afraid that he'll threaten you or hurt you- or worse."
"Well don't. I can take care of myself , all I care about though is y-, 'BEEP-BEEP BEEP- BEEP BEEP- BEEP', Hold up that's my pager. Damn, Look I gotta go, family emergency, see?" Goldie Locks shows her the message on pager.
"Listen it's fine, I better get back anyway, they're probably really mad and worried anyway."
"I kinda left after repeatedly being told I wasn't allowed to leave the house today, and I know I'm going to get yelled at."
"You did that just to meet with me, Kitt?"
"Hey, it was worth it." She smiles at him and kisses him good-bye.
"I'll call you for sure later tonight OK? Bye." He smiles and they walk their separate ways. Goldie Locks heads back to the Fatone house.
Kitty is soon out of sight and finds her way back into her room by climbing the side garden gate. She climbs into the window and breathes a sigh of relief and great joy. She turns around only to find herself surrounded by 7 unbelievably angry faces waiting for her. "Ugh, Hi y'all! Um, how's everyone? OK? Great! Wow I don't know about you guys but I'm starving! I think I'm just gonna get a snack or something k? Bye." Kitty starts to walk out the door when the semi built arm of Cool Cat blocks the door way.
"You're not going anywhere Jules"
Kitty claps repeatedly, "Bravo Cool Cat! You actually know my name, man for minute their I thought I didn't have one."
"Where have you been, Kitt?" pleads Bond Girl.
"Look I just went out with one of my friends. What's the big deal anyway?"
"What's the big deal? What's the big deal? You dare ask that from this family?"
"Cool Cat I'm sorry I didn't figure anything of it. I don't get what's going on. Why are you guys acting like this?"
Sunshine explains, "This afternoon at 5:15PM we had a little mishap. The Fatones ordered an operation, thank goodness no one was hurt." "What kind of operation?" "He ordered a- according to the letter we found he ordered an all out shooting on us. He chickened out at the last minute and went with bricks instead. It's a good thing I'm really good friends with Smoothie." claims Rainbow.