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story told by Alan: I met Mike in the spring of 98', he visited my school; within minutes we started talking about music. I asked him if he wanted to jam together sometime and I told him how he could contact me. At that time Dustin and I were in one of the many bands that have failed for us. Summer passed by and I didn't hear from Mike. I saw him a couple times during the school year. I knew that he was into punk music, so I invited him to go with me to the MxPx show, we went, had fun and sometime around that we decided to start a band even though we had never played together. The day after the show we tried to play a couple MxPx songs in a jam session at my house, but we didn't blend together well that day. Dustin wrote a little riff on his guitar at home and gave it to Mike, then Mike took it home and wrote some words to it. It's called "Maze O Craze". This was the song that that inspired him to write more songs. Our next pratice was at my church (B.C.F.). We rocked out hard that day, and I mean hard. After that Mike wrote some more songs and we started have praticed at his cabin in Somerville ever since. To be continued........