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This is Mr. Fabulous. Suave, sophisticated, and very cool, he could never quite accept the death of disco. Notice that he has a big head with no body. He is a character in development, so keep checking back for updates.Scroll down the page to see his adventures.
Preparation Is Important
Mr. Fabulous in his cool bachelor pad preparing for a night on the town. His collection of 37 assorted combs assures that his hair will always be perfect. A dash of cologne and it will be time to dance the night away.
The Car Makes The Man
Mr. Fabulous on the way to the singles bar in his Corvette. Even with the top down there is never a hair out of place. He also carries a picture of his car in his wallet. Styling, profiling, and ready for action.
In His Element
Mr. Fabulous is always the life of the party. Notice the looks of adoration in the eyes of these ladies as he tells them just how fabulous he really is.