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"Good friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget."

Wow, my friends?

I have a lot of friends in my life, and they all mean something different. Lets get started somewhere.

First there is Meredith Leanne!! Meredith and I have been "best"friends for the past 9 years! We have been through jr. high, high school, college, moving, marriage and airforce departures together. In Jan. she moved to Germany with the airforce and I stayed here in Texas. Meredith and I have been together through it all. You name it and we have experienced it. Crying, laughing, yelling, etc... If you ever get a friend like her you are more then blessed. She tells you how it is, and loves you NO matter what! Hopefully soon I will be going to Germany to spend a month with her. I can honestly say I don't know what I would do without her!

Another bestfriend is SundayKaye. We met in our sophomore year in highschool and became close soon after that. Sunday is someone I can depend on for anything, to cry with, laugh with, and to be stupid with. She is there no matter what, even when im 2000+ miles away. I love her a whole bunch and I miss her a LOT! We are about to become roomies and I can't WAIT!!

Another good friend is Chanae. I have known Chanae since I was little, we used to go to church together. Chanae and I had a chance soph-senior year to become close, and I'm glad we got that chance. I love her to death and miss her tons!

Hmmm.. since I moved to Washington I have met some awesome people, one AWESOME AWESOME girl is Micah B. we work together and she is truly a God-send. Being gone on my month vacation I have to say I missed her the most, and I am SO glad I came back to see her. So glad in fact that we moved in together! It was SOOOOOOO awesome! And now that I am gone again, I miss her a whole bunch!

A few other wonderful people in WA are the people I went to church with. I found the worlds BEST church and the worlds most LOVING people! Carrie, Josh, Paul, Josh, Abby, Jeremiah, Jaime, Aaron, Art, the rest of Connections... God blessed me with GREAT friends in WA and I can't wait to be back near them!

When I went away to college at Sam Houston State I joined a sorority, Phi Beta Chi, and gained about 40 sisters. It was the best thing EVER! I loved all of my sis' especially Erin, Chloe, Megan, Crystal, and etc.. I miss them tons too!!

I have many friends that I can't say enough about. God has truly blessed me through my friends.
In highschool, I became really close friends with everyone in the highschool, junior high, and elementary.My senior year I took the time to create a friendship with the underclassmen, it being my last year. Here are some, just to name a few, Joe, Adam, Gatlin, Zach, Miah, the BASKETBALL girls, the VOLLEYBALL girls, Mag, Ashley&Leslie(my lil sis'), and everyone else I failed to mention. I love everyone at BCS very much, and I have to say I miss them a lot.

All of these people mean a lot to me, and they will NEVER be forgotten in my life. There are countless dozens of people I didn't mention this time around, but they know who they are.

“A friend is someone who... Knows who you are; Understands where you have been; Accepts who you’ve become; And still gently invites you to grow.”

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