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All About Me!

Well here it is. A WHOLE entire page ALL about me!
Aren't you excited! I can see the smile on your face now.
YIPPEE!! Can't wait to read it can you?
Well, AWAY we go!

My name is Sarah Elizabeth Hiney and I now live back in WA. I am 20, and just moved here from Texas. I am finally out of Texas again and just trying to readjust to WA state. Hopefully I will be attending school this winter or spring quarter. We will see!

More About Me:

The Ultimate Survey For: Sarah Elizabeth Hiney
Nicknames: Sarah, Hiney, Shiney, Sar
Living where: Texas
Hometown: Bryan, TX
Do u drink: alcohol wise? not regularly
Shampoo or conditioner: both
Have you ever gone skinny dipping: no
Do u make fun of people: try not to
Fave color: navy
One pillow or two?: two, three...
Closest online friends: umm.. im hardly online anymore..
Pets: 1 dog, Aspen!!
Fave music: I listen to everything....alternative, pop, hiphop, rap, country, christian, yeah basically anything... =)
Hobbies: singing, talking to friends, hanging out with friends, sorority, movies..
Dream Car: a JEEP, or Tahoe
Words or phrases you overuse: so i... riiiiight, i know right
Toothpaste: crest
Favorite Foods: pasta, chinese
Croutons or Bacon Bits: Both
Favorite Salad Dressing: Ranch
Tattoos or piercings: my ears =) just once, and =P and well.. yeah! ;)
How do you characterize yourself (a hopeless romantic or non romantic)?: A hopeless romantic
Favorite class: haha.. school? whats that?
Do you get along with your parent(s)? mom, yeah
Favorite town to visit: Missoula, Montana.. Colorado Springs.. Denver... Aspen.. Seattle.. Conroe.. College Station
Friday night: nothing..?
What's your bed time? anytime 8pm-8am
Fave song of the moment: Hey Mister - Custom, Oppps, Oh My - Tweet, Drive - Incubus, Bring on the Rain - Jodee Messina
Favorite Musical Group: *shrug*, incubus
Favorite Subject in school: none
Fave alcoholic drink: amaretto sour, schmirnoff ice
Favorite Sport to watch: Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Hockey
Most recent humiliating moment: haha.. wouldnt you like to know!!
Loudest person u know: my sister
Craziest person or silliest u know: alena
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
What do u look for in the opposite sex: Christian, kind, the little things, interesting, nonjudgemental, honest, not annoying =), fun to be around, FUNNNY! =) can laugh at ANYTHING.. wants to travel
Last movie you watched in a theater: Stealing Harvard
Last movie watched on video/DVD: Panic Room
Favorite TV shows: Sex&the City, Real World, Ally McBeal, Buffy, ER
Elementary school you attended: Johnson, Anson Jones, Caldwell Intermediate
High School: Brazos Christian
Goal in Life: to graduate college, come out with a CD, get married, have a family, etc..
Names for children: Isabella Nichole, Rylee Morgan, Micah Lynn, Tess Anne, Gje Lenae, Chloe Nichole, Meghann Taylor, Christopher Tyler, Chadd Alexander, Kaelin Marie, Samantha Lynn

50 Preferences :

1. Pierce your nose or tongue? Tongue =P
2. Be serious or be funny? Funny
3. Boxers or briefs? briefs
4. Whole or skim milk? whole
5. single or taken? single
6. Simple or complicated? complicated...
7. Law or anarchy? anarchy, its fun!
8. Flowers or angels? tulips
9. Grey or gray? Gray
10. Read or write? do i hafta?
11. Color or black? both
12. Sunrise or sunset? a sunrise outside of missoula, montana... a sunset in western washington, while taking the ferry from kingston to edmonds!
14. Rap or rock? rock
15. Stay up late or wake up late? both
17. Is it POP or SODA? neither.. its a coke(no not CocaCola but COKE)
18. X or O in Tic-tac-toe? X
19. Leather purse or knit purse? neither
20. Eat an apple or an orange? apple
21. What came first? the chicken
23. Light or dark nail polish? light/clear
24. Tall members of the opposite sex or short? taller (5'9+)
25. Sun or moon? sun
26. Emerald or ruby? ruby
27. Pants or long skirt? either
28. Left or right? right
29. 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 1 best Friend! + 10 acquaintances
30. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Vanilla BABY!!
32. Green beans or carrots? both
33. Low fat or fat free? low fat
34. Blank question: Blank answer:
35. Silver jewelry or gold jewelry? silver
36. Kids or no kids? kids
38. Half empty or half full? half full
39. Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup
40. Hardcover books or softcover books? soft
41. Newspaper or magazine? magazine
42. Sandals or sneakers? sandals, flip flops
43. Wonder or amazement? amazement
44. Red car or white car? red
45. Happy and poor or sad and rich? happy and poor
46. Singing or dancing? singing
47. Hug or kiss? xx's and oo's
48: Corduroy or plaid? plaid
49. Happy or sad? undecided
50. purple or green? green

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