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Annointing Oil Recipes
Recipes for Anointing Oils

The following recipes are all made with essential oils in 1 tablespoon of grapeseed oil (or you can even use plain vegetable oil base). Feel free to double or triple any of these recipes.

Altar Oil
4 parts frankincense
3 parts myrrh
1 part galangal
1 part vervain
1 part lavendar
Annoint the altar with this oil at regular intervals to purify and empower it

All Purpose Anointing Oils

*These may be used alone or with other oils for just about any purpose.*

Arabian Breeze Oil
4 parts sandalwood oil
2 parts bergamot oil
1 part jasmine oil

Garlic, sassafras, and all essential oils from herbs ruled by the planet Mars.

Lavender, skullcap, valerian, and all essential oils from herbs ruled by the planet Mercury (the original ruler of Aquarius prior to the discovery of its current planetary ruler, Uranus, in the year 1781).

Auntie's Flower Garden
3 parts gardenia oil
2 parts vanilla oil
1 part lavendar oil
1 part rose oil

3 drops Cypress
2 drops Clove
2 drops Cedarwood

Optional: Roll candle in one or more of the following: Rose, Fern, Elder or Cinquefoil.

*to banish unwanted negative energies, ill wishes or baneful habits.*

Meadowsweet, motherwort, and all essential oils from herbs ruled by the Moon.

Comfrey, mullein, slippery elm, and all essential oils from herbs ruled by the planet Saturn.

Clear Thought Oil
1/4 oz almond oil
10 drops cajupet oil
10 drops lemon oil
12 drops lavendar oil
15 drops siberian fir oil
flower: cedar
gem: clear quartz

Divination Oil
3 drops Clary Sage
3 drops Lavender
2 drops Pine

Optional: Roll candle in Mugwort and/or Nutmeg

Divination Oil
musk oil (main)
ambergris oil (minor)
vetivert (minor)
violet (minor)
lilac (minor)

Erotic Exotic Oil
1 part bergamot oil
1 part lemon oil
1 part ylang ylang oil

Fairy Enchantment Oil
10 drops of rose oil
5 drops of thyme oil
1 tbsp evening primrose oil

Fast Action
2 drops Dragon's Blood
1 drop Cinnamon Oil
2 drops Lemon
2 drops Rosemary

Flowering Exotic Oil
2 parts tuberose oil
2 parts rose oil
2 parts gardenia oil
1 part frangipani oil

Full Moon Oil 1
3 parts rose
1 part jasmine
1 part sandalwood
Annoint the body prior to Esbats to attune with Lunar energies

Full Moon Oil 2
3 parts sandalwood
2 parts lemon
1 part rose
Another like above.

Licorice, valerian, and all essential oils from herbs ruled by the planet Mercury.

Granny's Lace Blend
1 part lavendar oil
4 parts vanilla oil
2 parts patchouil oil

3 drops Rosemary
1 drop Peppermint
2 drops Fennel

Optional: Roll in Frankincense.

Horned God Oil
2 parts frankincense
2 parts cinnamon
1 part bay
1 part rosemary
1 part musk
Wear to honor the Horned God during rituals.

2 drops Cinnamon
5 drops Peppermint

Alternate Recipe: Use 7 drops Peppermint Oil and roll in powdered Cinnamon.

Hawthorne, juniper, and all essential oils from herbs ruled by the Sun.

Goldenseal, thyme, yarrow, and all essential oils from herbs ruled by the planet Venus.

Love Drawing
2 drops Peppermint
3 drops Ylang-Ylang
3 drops Geranium
1 drop Jasmine (optional)

Optional: Roll in Cardamon and/or Orris root.

Native Sweet Grass
3 parts apricot oil
2 parts sweetgrass oil
2 parts lemon grass oil
3 parts orange oil

Night Queen Oil
3 parts sandalwood oil
2 parts rose oil
1 part jasmine oil

Echinacea (also known as coneflower), poppy, and all essential oils from herbs ruled by the Moon (the original ruler of Pisces prior to the discovery of its current ruler, Neptune, in the year 1846).

3 drops Patchouli
2 drops Cedarwood
3 drops Orange

Optional: Roll in Oakmoss or Allspice.
Alternate Recipe: Add above essential oils in a base oil made with Oakmoss.

3 drops Rosemary
2 drops Vetivert
4 drops Dragon's Blood

Optional: Roll in Cinquefoil, Fern and/or Vervain.

Black willow, dandelion, sage, and all essential oils from herbs ruled by the planet Jupiter.

Ginseng, sassafras, and all essential oils from herbs ruled by the planet Mars (the original ruler of Scorpio prior to the 1930 discovery of the planet Pluto, which is now regarded by most astrologers as the planetary ruler of the sign of the scorpion).

Smell of India Oil
7 parts ylang ylang oil
5 parts patchouli oil
3 parts clove oil
2 parts lavendar oil

Sweet Sandalwood Dreams
1 part patchouli oil
2 parts sandalwood oil
2 parts orange oil Sacred Ritual Oil
1 part myrhh oil
2 parts franincense oil
2 parts sandalwood oil

Plantain, violet, and all essential oils from herbs ruled by the planet Venus.

Tropical Stroll Oil
3 parts sandalwood oil
3 parts mango oil
2 parts coconut oil
2 parts vanilla

1 drop Cedarwood
2 drops Clove
3 drops Vetivert

Optional: Roll in one or more of the following: Copal, Nettle, Angelica, Cinquefoil or Vervain.

Coriander, fennel, and all essential oils from herbs ruled by the planet Mercury.
