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Dreams Dreams

Dreams . . . what are they?
They are your soul talking to your heart ...
leading you forward.

A dream . . .
is the carrot that leads the pony forward . . .
knowing it can reach its goal.

A dream tugs at your inner vision . . .
and you focus on it, in your heart,
and hold it there,
all the time knowing you're part of it.

A dream is the mirror that you walk into
and become one with it.

Dreams . . . they keep our spirit alive . . .
they move us forward in life . . .
with hope and wonder and promise.

Everyone has a dream.
Something special to them alone . . .
and this dream is filled with goodness/gladness
for them and for others.

Remember to be a part of this dream of yours . . .
it is not out of you . . . but a great part of you . . .
held within you.

Dreams are the wings of the butterflies . . .
that carry the caterpillar forward.
Have you ever seen multiple butterflies . . .
at the same time?
It is one of the most spectacular sights.
The strength and beauty cannot be
described as thousands of them take flight.

And as your dream joins with others . . .
the energies build . . . and your spirit flies free.

Dreams are as real to you,
as wings are to a caterpillar,
it takes time for them to unfold.

Keep your dreams alive,
nourish them with your Love . . .
and know that they are yours . . .
that they are just developing so that
when you are ready to fly . . .
that you will be carried by them.

Just remember
if you believe strongly enough in your dreams,
one day soon
they will come true....

~ Author Unknown ~
