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Who I Am, A Wiccan Manifesto

I am a lover the Earth, not a Satanist and not a wrinkled old hag with warts and a pointy hat. While my beliefs may be different from yours, it does not mean that I worship Satan. The belief of Satan stems directly from Christian theology. While I may apply the term of witch to myself, do not confuse me with a stereotype gleaned from movies and countless children's stories. I love all life, and would never kill in the name of my deities. I do not sacrifice animals for rituals, nor do I grab children on their way to church to eat them, as a Texas preacher has suggested. One law, the Wiccan Rede, binds me. This law is simply stated and oft repeated by all that walk this path. It is: And it harm none, do what ye will. I will not harm you, or anyone you love. I seek not destruction and mayhem, I seek only the freedom to worship as I choose in peace.

I wear a pentagram. This is not a symbol of Satanism, but rather a symbol of peace. The Satanists who turn it upside just as they turn the Christian cross upside down have corrupted it. You need not fear me or hate me because you see a five-pointed star in a circle hanging around my neck or from my earlobes. I wear the same clothes that you do. While some that walk this path choose to express themselves through ornate clothing and dark makeup, others choose to dress the same way you do. Just as you cannot assume all witches wear dark clothing and heavy makeup, nor can you assume that all who wear these clothes are Wiccan. Remember that you can never judge a witch by her cover.

I seek not to convert you or to convert your children. If I am asked I will tell you of my beliefs, but I will not distribute religious tracts seeking new converts or try in any way to subvert your beliefs. I will strive not to make you uncomfortable, but I will practice my beliefs. I ask for your mutual respect. Just as I will not stand outside your church and try to convert you, I ask that you not try to convert me. I will not argue that you are an unfit parent or a less worthy human being because of your rituals and beliefs. I ask that you respect me as I respect you.

My beliefs might seem strange to you. But if you take the time to talk to me, you'll realize that we're not very different. I serve on the PTO and mow my lawn every weekend. I worry about my kids eating too much sugar or watching too much television. I watch the Superbowl and root for my favorite team. I go to work and I go to school. You probably already know me, even if you don't know what religion I am. I ride the bus beside you and share gossip with you at the watercooler. I am a Democrat, a Republican, a Libertarian and a member of the Reform Party. Simply put, I'm not a freak, I'm not less worthy as a human. I'm just like you; I do the same things you do and all I ask is that we try to get along. Who am I? I am a Wiccan.

~ Author Unknown ~

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