Hope this will help you out with all of your problems, with your page and all, and go right ahead and join the contest.
.:Tips and tricks for a better page!:. Need help with what you should have, and shouldn't have?
.:Color Chart:.This color chart has all the codes you'll need, for html pages.
4 you!!:.Come, you know you want one, go for it!
Me:.Have I been nice to you? Can't you PLEASE! Be nice to me by linking me, come on, I know you want to!
link:.All the great sites, that I love, and here are some of them.
.:Free Backgrounds:.Just a few BG that I really don't care if you use them.
.:Link exchange:.Send in your link right here!
.:Stray Thunder's Heavenly Contest!:.My contest, and the winner will win one of my SMSS or SMSSTARS, one of my poor babys. Don't worry, it's subtittled.