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C64 Software

Amiga Software

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Contact Details

Any unwanted items you wish to sell or anything you want to get your hands on then please drop me a line at

FOR SALE Commodore Format tapes No.s 6 through to 46. Will accept £7 the lot. Tel. Amanda on (01482) 213471.

FOR SALE Amiga 500 memory board, will accept £10 o.n.o. Email Amanda on

WANTED The full collection of Dizzy games for the Commodore 64. Contact Chris on (01482) 213471.

WANTED 5 1/4 floppy discs double sided, double density. Will pay a good price for them. Contact Amanda at

Hello to all customer computers buyer.
I'm selling the Amiga 600HD computer that includes
202MB internal 2.5" hard disk,1.3 & 2.05 Roms with Rom Switch, PCMCIA slot, Thomson II 4120 13" color RGB/PAL/NTSC monitor,External disk drive, Joystick, ACID Mouse, 2400 baud modem, Camel stero speaker & Canon BJC-250 color printer. The 13" colors RGB/PAL/NTSC monitor can be hook up to VCR video movies player and other video movies device can hook up on to this monitor. I also have many use software games and other software accessories. The use Software are:
Animation Disney Studio, Aegis Animator, Chroma Paint USE SOFTWARE GAMES:
F/A-18 Interceptor, Indiana jones and the last crusade
F40 Pursuit, Shinobi
Alien Syndrome, Simon the sorcerer (DEMO)
Drangon's Lair II, Wrath of the Demon
Space Ace, Ultima IV
Pictionary, Word Processor & Paint program.
Kindwords, Fusion Paint
Graphics Studio, TextEngine4.0
Write & spell (from Gold Disk)
Music & paint (from Gold Disk)
Virus Infection protection
PD Software.
Calendar Factory, Lazy Bench+
TypingDrill & Sandy, Screen Blankers
and many more PD Softwares
2.0 Install Disk, Amiga 2.05 WB
Amiga Extra, Amiga Fonts
Workbench 1.3, Extra1.3
Canon BJC-250 color printer sold separately. The Canon BJC-250 comes with IBM CD printer driver and sold for $115.
All the above that I mention sold for $315.
Shipping Handling ask me for it.
Email me at

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