S.T.R.I.K.E, the internet ministry

Starting Technology-based Relationships Introducing Christianity Everywhere

Bring the Gospel to the Internet-- Impact the world!

New! Newsletter, Issue 1.0

Join S.T.R.I.K.E.| Why S.T.R.I.K.E?| What's the use?| Advantages of Chat Ministry| Success Stories| Links/Chat Rooms| S.T.R.I.K.E. message board | Cyber Tract: "Do you NEED Jesus?"| Hints on chat ministry| Help Wanted!| Online Bible!| Table of Contents| Other Ways to Minister| Meet other S.T.R.I.K.E. members| Choose Other Language

NO pressures

NO impossible commitments

NO worries

Carry on as you normally would-- Getting to know other people and engaging in conversation (which is why we're on in the first place, right?) However, keep in mind that our Lord Jesus Christ commands us to go into the world, to spread the gospel. (Mark 16:15)

To be a member of S.T.R.I.K.E., all we ask is that you follow these three mission statements:

1.) WITNESS. Introduce the salvation offered by God through Jesus Christ creatively and subtly, whenever the time is right or you feel the Spirit's calling. (Matthew 7:21-23)

2.) DEFEND. Stand up against attacks on the christian faith. Be strong, though respond to all negative remarks with love, patience, kindness, and truth. (II Timothy 2:1-16)

3.) BE AN EXAMPLE. In all internet communications, keep a high standard of Christian conduct as outlined in the Bible, refraining from offensive words and inappropriate sexual references. Help others in need. (James 1:27)

Click here to Join

or e-mail williamhogue@usa.net and you're on! (Please include your internet code-name and e-mail address on the form so we can keep you informed on any special events we may be having, and so we can keep in touch).

Visit the S.T.R.I.K.E. message board


Why not? What better way to reach out to the lost than through chat rooms? From what we understand, this is the world's first outgoing chat-room ministry (that's not merely a ministry chat room). A few outgoing chat ministries have surfaced over the last year, and we're thankful for that. But if it took that long for more than one group of christians to start evangelizing the internet, then we christians have been lazy. We sat idle while the internet was being pioneered. It was like computer-literate christians dug their heads in the sand-- As if allowing evil to triupmph. Are we to just hide quietly in our christian chat rooms and complain about our society's decaying values? NO, I SAY! We draw the line here and now! You've seen the sinful language and sexual exploitation that goes on in most of the chat rooms. Have you had enough? If so, then let's do something about it-- Offer them Christ!

Now it's our turn to reach out to them for Jesus, and introduce them to the light of salvation!

We applaud the work being done by our brothers and sisters in christian chat rooms-- In ministering, counseling, fellowship, and prayer. But we believe a more outgoing approach is necessary.

Thousands of people die everyday. You never know who's going next. Maybe even the person you're chatting with. You may be their last hope! Jesus may come back soon. If not us, then who?

Click here to see some Success Stories from the mission field!


There are some advantages to the internet ministry:

1.) You have a person's complete attention, as you are on their computer's monitor

2.) It's anonymous. No reason to fear any inabillities on your part, or violent reactions on their part.

3.) It's personal. No embarrassment or ruined reputations that a new code-name can't fix!

You too can be a cyber-saint! Even if you're not called to 'the ministry', you can still make a difference for Christ by just being you. We all have our gifts-- Use them to God's glory! You may be able to reach out to certain people that professional ministers may not be able to 'connect' with.

You can be as bold as you want to, as innovative as you'd like, or as passive as you wish. It is reccomended that we do as Jesus would (W.W.J.D.) in regard to our tactics, though. We at S.T.R.I.K.E. also reccomend that each believer read his/her Bible regularly.

Click here for some hints on how to minister effectively online


Okay, so you're your own soul. A maverick for Jesus, of the Holy priesthood. "Why should I affiliate?", one may ask. Well, if there are groups out there dedicated to eliminating christianity, whole sites devoted to trashing evangelists, and atheist/humanist clubs popping up everywhere, then why shouldn't we believers stick together! This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. (*fist pounding on computer desk!*) If we fly under one banner for Jesus Christ, we can provide one solid mighty witness for God, rather than just the occassional sporadic rant from a lone believer. Solidarity is the answer, my friends! United we stand! We want you!

So GO into cyberspace, preaching the gospel, defending our persecuted christian culture, and setting a moral example for others to admire-- bringing the lost to eternal salvation, and a better life on this earth. Do it while we still have our freedom of speech!

Click here for an online tract you can refer someone to


Members pages:

P.J.'s Page: See her random thoughts here.(www.angelfire.com/tx/PrincessJoyce) All text.

Emoobeth's Home Page: Meet this dedicated sister in Christ (http://home.talkcity.com/QuadCir/emoobeth)

Basic Ministries: A powerful resource for the internet christian (www.basicministries.org)

Amber's Page: dedicated to winning souls for Christ (www.geocities.com/soho/atrium/8897)

Aristotle: Find out about his high tech business venture, "Thundersoft" (members.tripod.com/~Ukkonen)

Casper's page: In the Netherlands, with a very thorough and humourous website (www.angelfire.com/ca/verhulst)

Andy's Jump Site: Other sites he has authored, writings, etc.(http://members.truepath.com/hogue/)

Stardustland: Erin's very artistic and innovative homepage (campus.fortunecity.com/assembley/841/)

Christians: God's Work In Progress: Lois' highly detailed page devoted to the work of God (http://users2.ipa.net/~lturley)

Revolution! Sarah's humble homepage about a mighty movement! (http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/2803/revmove.html)

Connie's Place: See fantastic works of Jesus-centered art. Prayer Boards, other issues of importance. (web.raex.com/~starborn)

The Vision: Robin and Ronelle Pienaar are building a specialized vehicle to travel from the tip of Africa to Jerusalem, then to warn the Jews of the coming of Christ! (http://www.apocalypsefoundation.co.za)

Chat Rooms to Minister At...

Yahoo! chat, argueably, the most visited chat program in cyberspace(www.yahoo.com)

Mirabilis ICQ, and instant e-mail-style chat program for personal PCs. (www.mirabilis.com)

Lycos Chat. A hotspot for reaching people of all walks of life for Christ

Similar Internet Ministries

In the intrests of keeping the Body of Christ on the internet together, here is a list of other cyberspace ministries that share a similar approach

W-E-B Evangelism, not primarily for chat, but has a very in-depth site for those who would like more information on how to apply yourself for Christ on the internet. Lot's of resources! www.webauthors.org/guide

WO (Web Outreach) This site focuses more on chat and using Cybertracts to evangelize. Some good advice is on this site. It's new, so lend your support to this brother in Christ. http://click.to/weboutreach


TRANSLATORS! People who can speak languages other than English. German, Japanese, Icelandic, Portuguese, Finnish, French, Swahili, French, Itallian, Russian, Arabic, Yiddish, whatever you know, we would appreciate it, and God would most certainly bless you, if you could lend your hand at translating this site to another tounge so we can reach out to our other chatters in this world of ours.

Click here for the languages our site currently appears in

If you have any questions on the mission of this movement, or of our intents, please e-mail williamhogue@usa.net , and he'll get back to you A.S.A.P.

Click here for a brief history of this outreach

View Current (9/99-present) Members List

Click here for an online King James Bible

DISCLAIMER: S.T.R.I.K.E. does not necesarily support all advertisers on the banners which may appear on this site. Click Here for our advertising policy.

On this site: Join S.T.R.I.K.E.| Main Page| Why S.T.R.I.K.E?| What's the use?| Advantages of Chat Ministry| Success Stories| Links/Chat Rooms| S.T.R.I.K.E. message board | Cyber Tract: "Do you NEED Jesus?"| Hints on chat ministry| Help Wanted!| Online Bible!| Table of Contents| Other Ways to Minister| Meet other S.T.R.I.K.E. members| Choose Other Language