S.T.R.I.K.E. is a non-profit ministry and operates at little to no cost. Web space has been graciously obtained through an advertiser-supported service known as Angelfire, a subsidiary of the Lycos network. Banners from other sources may appear to support other services offered, such as Link Exchange, et al.
While we encourage our viewers, browsers, and members to support those parties advertising on our site, we do not necessarily support some of the messages shown on some of the ads.
The Bible strictly forbids certain types of sexual behavior, offensive language, and other activities. So, it is advised that any one offended by any ad that pops up on our site react in this order;
1.) Ignore it completely
2.) Write the party providing the ad and express your concerns, and provide Biblical reasons why the offense can't be ignored
3.) Refuse to patronize the offending party
The advantages of the Free Market Economy far outweigh the disadvantages, which will at sometimes lead to moral anarchy. But rest assured, as long as those whom we have disagreed have a right to advertise, so shall we.
Furthermore, S.T.R.I.K.E. supports the liberty of free speech and in the interest of keeping dialogue open and free, will stray away from any viewpoint, organization, or movement that will seek to censure the internet. We will not petition the government of any nation to force our beliefs upon anyone, rather will use person-to-person persuasion and social reformation to spread the good news of Christ Jesus, and the lifestyle he would have us lead.
As an official position, S.T.R.I.K.E. humbly pleads to all of it's advertisers not to resort to sex, disrespect towards authority, or lying to promote it's goods and/or services.
--S.T.R.I.K.E. Mission Coordinator