The S.T.R.I.K.E. Story

In spring of 1995, the internet was introduced to the students of North Central Texas College. Curious of what this new fronteir had to offer, many students began to engage in chat programs-- Both expanding their horizons, though sadly introducing new degrees of immorallity. There was talk about censoring student's access to the internet to prevent people from using tax-payer funded facilities to engage in immoral practices such as 'cyber-sex'. Convinced that there was more to the internet than just sin, NCTC Student Andrew Hogue decided to petition for unlimited, unrestricted access. He believed in free speech, regardless of the consequences.

Yet, as a christian, he was saddened at the lack of christian outreach on the 'net. There were christian sites-- Alas most were merely social web pages and sites about non-internet ministries. There were e-mail ministries-- Though they ended up being moral and religious soap-boxes. There were many christian chat rooms-- Too bad they served as cyber monasteries and kept the saints away from a gradually decaying chat world. There were even cyber-churches, but to little avail in regard to outreach at the time. There were NO outgoing ministries that were both ORGANIZED and OUTGOING for chat.

In a Baptist Student Ministry meeting, it was announced by Andrew that he and other fellow students would descend upon the computer lab after the meeting and begin an internet crusade to reach others for Jesus. This bore much fruit, and many souls came to a closer walk with the Lord through this. However, it became disorganized. Ministers lost track of each other, people got distracted, and there was no clear definition of exactly what the 'chat ministry' should be.

After a few years of trying to organize these rogue chat ministers, it was decided to establish a founded, named, and organized ministry. It was named S.T.R.I.K.E. (Starting Technology-based Relationships Introducing Christianity Everywhere). The ministry wasn't 'concrete' until a web page was created in the fall of 1998. Click here to see our first site.

There would be no rank in this ministry-- Just various ministers doing the Lord's work in various functions. Andrew Hogue is the first Mission Coordinator, and is currently serving as Webmaster, Mission Coordinator, and Public Relations Director. All S.T.R.I.K.E. members are free from membership dues. There are no time constraints, mandatory meetings, or anything bothersome. All that is asked is that a chat minister Witness for Christ, Defend Christianity, and generally 'Go into the world (including cyberspace!) making disciples of all men'.

This isn't even an attempt to 'build a ministry'. If all S.T.R.I.K.E. does is encourage others to tell others about Christ on the internet, while only gathering a handful of members, then we've done our job.

Amber, one of our first STRIKE members under the organized ministry (post website), has reported leading a man to Christ. Click here to see what happened! She has championed the first of many conversions we anticipate in years to come-- With your help!

In February of 1999, Casper Verhulst, who lives in The Netherlands, translated the site into Dutch! This has opened up our mission field into a realm we never thought we would reach, being predominately english-speaking. Other language translations are in the works.

The ministry continues to grow, about 1 new member per week. An advertisement is being distributed via chat rooms. A larger advertising campaign is soon on the way, and we then expect to have hundreds on board.

In May of 1999, after partnering with Christian Links, we found 3 other chat ministries, different in approach, but shockingly similar in mission. In the intrests of keeping the Body of Christ on the internet together, we provided a list of other cyberspace ministries that share a similar approach

W-E-B Evangelism, not primarily for chat, but has a very in-depth site for those who would like more information on how to apply yourself for Christ on the internet. Many resources are provided.

WO (Web Outreach) This site focuses more on chat and using Cybertracts to evangelize. Some good advice is on this site.

Many more may still be forming. They are an answer to our prayers! We are thankful that God is laying the burden of internet evangelism on the hearts of other believers as well.

Will you take a stand for Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour in this new fronteir? Will you help us to reach some lost and lonely souls inhabiting the chat rooms looking for answers? Will you join us?

The future of this christianity is in your hands, fellow believer.

--March 17th, A.D. 1999, updated as necessary. Last updated June 10th, A.D. 1999