To spread the Gospel through Chat.

Welcome to
Starting Technology-based
Relationships Introducing
Christianity Everywhere

Dear new STRIKEr,

Thank you for joining S.T.R.I.K.E. We try our best not to spam our members and supporters, but we do like to keep in touch and correspond whenever possible.

I am very thankful that you have the vision to reach out to those on the internet. Most christians I know of only refer to the internet as a cesspool of sex, pornography, con-artists, and lies. However, we see it as a boundless mission field. Through , a great revival will be sparked if we as christians realize that there are actually people on the other end of their computer's monitors.

Those sentences and comments we see in various chat rooms represent actual SOULS, that will either go to heaven or hell after judgment. Yes, relationships via the internet may be somewhat impersonal and superficial. But the thoughts you present can ge them to think. The gospel you speak may bring them to the Lord! With every seed you plant, a spirit may grow.

The possibilities are extraordinary! I could write for a hundred kilobytes about the things that can be done through internet, but I won't.

For now, I ask that you keep in mind the 3 mission statements: Witness, Defend, and Be an Example.

S.T.R.I.K.E. isn't really an organization or a club. It's more of a movement. If all our website does is encourage believers to stand up for Christ while they are logged-on, then we've done our job! People are coming to Jesus through this ministry, so hope that you will continue doing your own thing out in cyberspace to win souls, or working with us more closely. In whatever you do to spread the good news of Christ, know that we're there for you. We will pray, support, provide scriptures, etc, upon request.

Remember that S.T.R.I.KE. is an internet resource at your disposal. We try our best to provide links to other similar ministries and utilities. There are links to a cyber-tract and an online Holy Bible. We have a message board to share strategies, ayer requests, etc. We have all kinds of helps on our table of contents, success stories, foreign language translations, etc. It's all there for you. Suggestions are always welcome. Nothing is copyrighted. It all belongs to God as far as we're concerned. Feel free to link to us.

If you want to meet people in this outreach, feel free to e-mail the addresses found in the Guest Book, or to click any of the Members Pages found under Links on the main page.

The line is always open. If I can help in anyway, please let me know.

Grace and peace be with you,

--Andrew Hogue: Mission Coordinator

______________________________ --An easy URL to remember --The direct way to get there (No pop-up ads!) -- The S.T.R.I.K.E. ad. Give this one out to people! --The story of how we started!