1.) New Site! STRIKE has a domain. URL name suggestions are being taken http://www.weboutreach.net/strike
2.) Partnership with Weboutreach Finalized http://www.weboutreach.net
3.) Afrikaans Language (South Africa) Translation Finished! https://www.angelfire.com/tx2/strike/Afrikaans.html
4.) Casper Verhulst Appointed West Europe Regional Coordinator http://www.youneedgod.cjb.net
5.) Members are Urged to Get to Know Each Other https://www.angelfire.com/tx2/strike/meet.html
6.) ICQ-- Link to Sanity! This is a good way to communicate with other STRIKErs. http://www.mirabilis.com
7.) New Membership List. (The old one went offline!) http://www2.bravenet.com/guestbook/show.asp?userid=vb263252
8.) A Bible Reference Has Been Found for the Word :Strike;. Exodus 12:7-13
Editors Note:
Hi! This is Andrew Hogue, Coordinator of S.T.R.I.K.E. I felt the time had come to start a newsletter to keep everyone informed of what has been going on with the online mission since we last communicated. If you don・t remember what STRIKE is, go to https://www.angelfire.com/tx2/strike/main.html
Only God Himself knows the full impact of what our actions do to win souls for Jesus. But, it is important to share what news you do have-- Not to arrogantly show off or to brag on your ministry skills, but to encourage others to reach the lost for Jesus Christ! And if you don・t have any fantastic stories, that・s okay. Just enjoy the newsletter and do your best to exemplify Christ in your internet activities.
If you have any news, tips, helpful websites, or event ideas that you would like to share, e-mail me at williamhogue@usa.net and I・ll get back to you ASAHP (As Soon As Humanly Possible!) I love acronymns, don・t you?
Grace and peace be with you,
That・s right! S.T.R.I.K.E. now has a domain! After our partnership with Weboutreach (lead by fellow cybersaint and brother in Chirst, Terry Olsen) Terry graciously offered to go half-and-half on the purchase of a domain. After considerable prayer and lots of thinking, Mission Coordinator Andrew Hogue decided that this was an investment, and not a foolish waste of money.
S.T.R.I.K.E. was flourishing well at the Angelfire site, but was subject to a barage of advertisements that were sometimes hostile to the Word of God. Angelfire is now owned by Lycos, a known purveyor of near-pornography and all kinds of sin. One surf on the Lycos webguide and one can see how depreved their corporate leadership truly is. (Please pray for Lycos, and for our christian friends not to respond too harshly, but in love and kindness to their sinful ways) While S.T.R.I.K.E. will continue to have its pages on the Angelfire site, a new site will be hosted at http://www.weboutreach.net/strike
The opening of the new site, sometime around January of 2000, will be marked by the unveiling of a new look for S.T.R.I.K.E, and some improved features to make our ministry more powerful in outreach, in fellowship, and in brotherhood.
It is highly possible that we may even have our own URL name! www.strike.com, strike.net, and strike.org are all taken. So, it・s a toss-up between some unique alternatives.
Would you prefer:
: : .com
: : .org
: : .com
: : .org
e-mail your submissions to williamhogue@usa.net
This isn・t like the Yahoo!/Geocities merger.
As discussed above, ccordinator Andrew Hogue finalized the decision to merge with Weboutreach.net. But this does not mean that STRIKE will sacrifice its unique identity and focus.
:We・re like roomies;, as Terry Olsen, founder of Weboutreach would perfer to say.
Each site will still have the same mission and separate outreaches, but no longer will we be competing or ignoring one another. Unity is important to the Body of Christ.
:Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love, in honor preferring one another.; --Romans 12:10
Brother Terry, it・s going to be great working with you! Let・s go out and win some souls!
Ronelle Pienaar of South Africa, S.T.R.I.K.E. member and missionary to Jerusalem, has gracioulsy translated the Main Page into Afrikaans, the language that many South Africans speak, and is one of the world・s major languages. Thank you Ronelle! We are now able to reach millions of more people that we never dreamed of reaching before!
Afrikaans is S.T.R.I.K.E.・s third language translation since Casper Verhulst translated the site into Dutch last year.
Casper Verhulst, the one who translated the site into Dutch, has been appointed to become the first regional coordinator for S.T.R.I.K.E. Personal site: http://www.youneedgod.cjb.net
He would be responsible for the proliferation of our ministry to those language groups in the Western European region, and to seek out and find members for :euroSTRIKE;, coming soon to a webpage near you!
Through :euroSTRIKE;, we hope to find a representative of each language on the continent, and spread the message of Jesus Christ online even further.
A house is not made of one singular unit. It is made up of many small bricks, tiles, timbers, et cetera. So should our ministry be one of united individual efforts, with Christ as our Cornerstone. Remember, you・re just as influential as Billy Graham, Martin Luther, or John Wesley. You can lead people to Christ just like anybody else can. You are a preist in Christ Jesus. Let・s see what you got!
There are many ways that STRIKErs can interact and create friendships amongst members. Leave a thought, rant, raving, or prayer request (important!) on the Message Board. Follow-up on an interesting STRIKEr on the Members List (guestbook)-- There are e-mail addresses and websites provided so that you can visit each other. We・re in the process of starting an ICQ list (Coming soon!) Visit https://www.angelfire.com/tx2/strike/meet.html for more info and suggestions.
Of course, nobody・s making you get to know the other members of STRIKE. But if you ever would like prayer support, someone to chat with, orsomeone to study the Bible with, we・re all here for you!
For some odd reason, the old Members List (through GuestWorld) would not accept any new submissions. This wasn・t noticed for quite sometime, until we noticed that nobody had joined STRIKE in over 2 weeks! So, after pleading with Guest World for another week (and getting no answer whatsoever) we decided to try out www.bravenet.com. We・re very happy with this new provider, and hope that it will be able to suit the growing capacity of future members. See the new Member・s List at http://www2.bravenet.com/guestbook/show.asp?userid=vb263252
ICQ and WHAT it CAN DO for YOU.
Surely by now, most of you have heard of .buddy list・ programs that allow computer users to instantaneously send post-it like messages while surfing the web. Some popular programs include AOL Instant Messager and ICQ. Most STRIKE members who use such programs have ICQ.
ICQ is not only a FREE and great way to fellowship and get to know other people, but is also a wonderful "secondary channel".
Let's say some atheist out there told you that the Jews in the Old Testament thought that the world was flat-- Therefore the Bible must be wrong. But you remember that there is a scripture SOMEWHERE in the Old Testament that mentions the earth being round! Okay, you've searched your concordance, and even the Online Bible off the STRIKE site. You can・t find it.
But instantly, you notice that one of your fellow chat ministers has logged-on! In a frantic plea for help, you ask him.her where this scripture might be. After a quick prayer for the atheist and a look through various books, your friend has found the verse-- Isaiah 40:22!
United we stand, divided we fall. We reccomend ICQ to everyone who is serious about ministering online! Again, it's totally FREE. http://www.mirabilis.com
--Andrew Hogue, Coordinator
Open your Bibles to Exodus chapter 12.
"And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses...." (verse 7)
If you are a frequent reader of the Bible, you probably know this one by heart. It・s where we get the term "Passover" from. God had warned the faithful that he would kill the first-born of every family in the land, because of their wickedness. This sounds brutal to us, but one must realize that our fair God did indeed provide a way out-- The applying of a sacrafice of blood to the doorposts of the house. Anyone who had the blood upon the doorposts, their first-born was not killed. Anyone who had NOT put the blood on their doorposts, even if they were good people, their first-born child was killed. Only the faithful kept their first-born children. (The blood is a foreshadowing of the blood Christ shed for us, by the way). There was much sorrow that night when death came upon the city.
We must annoint the :doorposts; of our hearts. We must warn those we meet on internet pages, our chat rooms, and message boards to annoint their doorposts, too! But in this case, we must introduce the blood of Christ, and let them know that He is the only way to salvation. If they do not accept the blood, and refuse to apply it to their own :doorposts; (their hearts), then wrath will come upon them. (Matthew 13:42 speaks about hell as reality, in the words of Jesus.) You cannot strike the blood on their doorposts for them. It has to be done by the owner.
Is your life annointed? Have you striked the doorpost of your own heart?
40,000+ people die everyday. How many have yet to accept Christ・s holy and perfect sacrafice?
Fellow cybersaints, the day of reckoning approaches. The Lord may come back as you・re reading this, or 500 years from now-- Who knows but the Father? So let・s get out there and tell people of God・s loving plan of salvation, so that when death passes over, they will be saved along with us.
To respond to this newsletter, e-mail Andy at williamhogue@usa.net. Feel free to pass this along. If you do not wish to recieve this seldomly distributed newsletter, e-mail Andy and he will take you off the list. Thank you for your time. May God bless you in His Will.
--End Issue 1.0
--Senior Citizen S.T.R.I.K.E. ministry in the works.
--Salvation Reports
--Our new home on the web
--Introducing euroSTRIKE
--Member's Comments
--Helpful Sites
--And More!
NOTE: Forgive the occassional glitch. The Clipboard on the main computer adds special characters when a " or a ' is added (and a few other instances).