However, living in a world where the sun shines outside, ministry has to exist in real time, too, without the aid of a computer.
If you are someone who likes to stay indoors for long periods of time: The sun has certain vital nutrients that your body needs. (Get outside!) While it's great meeting people online, it's a lot more in-depth and personal in the flesh. If you spend a lot of time online, we reccomend taking some time to go outside, meet people where they live, and appreciate the beauty of God's creation in nature.
If you don't have access to a computer very often: You can still join S.T.R.I.K.E! The principles are the same. Witness, Defend and Be an Example. Yes, it takes a little more courage to face a non-believer in the flesh then it takes over the internet, but it can be much more effective. Read the Book of Acts and see what we mean!
Credibillity:When you're online, your credibillity is automatically flawed. There is no guarantee to the person you're talking to that you are the person you claim to be. But in real life, your credibillity is more of a given thing. Your witness, while you may not be able to be as bold as you would like, will seem much more sincere and personal.
The Christian Life Outside Cyberspace: Mark 16:15, also known as the great commission, tells us to "go into the world" and spread the gospel. But there is a physical commandment down one verse in Mark 16:16-- It says to Baptize! We must baptize! There is no way to baptize someone in water over cyberspace (virtual reality not pending just yet!), so that proves that there is something to be said about real-world contact with other believers.
S.T.R.I.K.E. reccomends that each members find a church near to his/her location. (A real church, not one of these 'cyber-churches', though they are appreciated). That way, you can be involved with the action of Baptism. You can participate in the Lord's Supper, along with other things reality has to offer. We have seen prayers answered via e-mail requests and we know that the Holy Spirit moves online as well as He does off-line. But there is a lot to be said about having actual contact. In the book of James, we're advised to lay hands on the sick, and annoint them with oil. How are we to do that in cyberspace? WE CAN'T!
Applying STRIKE in real life: It is fairly simple to apply the same standards of online ministry to offline ministry.
Witness: If you have a friend, co-worker, or other associate who doesn't know Christ, take a moment to write a short letter, or ask if you could speak with them for a minute about God. What can it hurt? If you let the person know you're not just pointing fingers and condeming his soul, but rather let him know that you're concerned for his/her eternal destiny, the person in question will be a lot more comfortable in talking with you about Jesus.
Defend: We've all been there-- A situation where someone is out making a mockery of Christians. Perhaps he/she is making light of a stereotypical christian and using that as a reason not to accept Christ. Maybe he/she is arguing about how the Bible is just a collection of fairy tales, in his/her opinion. Or maybe you are in a corner of the world where a christian is in danger of life and limb, and is about to be persecuted for his/her faith. Do not wait to jump in and stand with that persecuted brother. Do not wait to get in your 'two cents worth' in an argument about the Bible's credibillity. The seed you plant by defending the truth may be the first step in the salvation of a soul. But speak softly and in all meekness.
Be an Example: This should come natural to those walking in the Spirit's guidance. But to make it clear in print, this means speaking like a Christian (not harshly jesting or saying things to blatantly offend someone). Acting like a Christian (not revelling in drunkeness or sexual fornication.) Be humble, and resist the urge to be a proud (or arrogant) snob. Love EVERYONE, even your enemies, as Christ has loved you. Remember, there are people watching you, and they may be shaping their personal definition of 'Christian' by how you react. Keep in constant prayer and live for Jesus!
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