These stories are not meant to brag or to proudly parade our accomplishments. (We're trying our best not to be Pharisees!) These accounts are intended for the encouragement and edification of fellow and prospective chat ministers. Enjoy, and do likewise.
Amber, one of our first S.T.R.I.K.E. members, has had success talking to members to the opposite gender, perhaps because a great deal of people go online hoping to meet that special someone. (This may be something to keep in mind while out there, but be very careful, and never lead anybody on!)
The topic of music would come up, in an attempt to see what they have in common. She would mention the fact that she listens to christian music. This 'icebreaker' would bring on an opportunity to share the faith.
"Some would want to listen to what I had to say, others weren't so polite", says Amber.
She was able to witness to 3 people using this method in one session.
She keeps a salvation tract in the desk drawer of her computer desk. This is in case she ecounters a question she isn't sure how to answer. Also, she has the number of her church's youth leader handy in case of any other challenging questions. (The ministry is a team effort, afterall. Never hesitate to ask for help from your local church, or from any S.T.R.I.K.E. member.)
One guy she was witnessing to has been struggling with the idea of getting saved when she was chatting with him, but that night he was about to come to the Lord!
He was a black man, and knew that Amber was white, and was afraid that she would not witness to him because of his skin color. Amber assured him that God does not judge people by what race they are and that she didn't either.
He then eagerly listened to everything she had to say. He bowed his head and asked the Lord to come into his heart!
To that, Amber simply stated, "It was amazing!".
Another story of salvation through chat starts with an innocent game of Yahoo! Checkers. Our minister was waiting for somebody else to come in, she got an invitation via Yahoo! pager (ICQ or Pager is reccomended as a secondary channel for communication).
After getting to know him, she asked if he were a christian. He said yes, but quickly avoided the subject.
But something kept 'bugging' her about this man, so she started talking to him about salvation. Come to find out, he wasn't really saved. He was a Catholic, and that was about it. He had never heard the gospel. She took out her tract and shared with him the good news. She had to explain and make clear a few things, but he finally understood what Jesus did for him on the cross. he bowed his head and asked the Lord to come into his life.
He was very grateful that somebody, after all those years living as a "christian", took the time to care about his eternal soul.
Plus, now our fellow chat minister has a new friend!
If you have any success stories you would like to share of leading people to our Lord Jesus, or of any rededications, or any other related effect of this ministry, write Andy at
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