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I would like to thank you for visiting Texas Dawn's Link page. I hope that you find everything came here looking for. Be sure to come back often. I will be adding a lot of new pages very soon.

If you have a site that you would like to see on my links page, then please send me the url so I can add your page. I now have a link a page that you can add your page yourself. I will be checking that page every couple days. And I will place your page on this one. Just click on the ADD A Link below my guestbook. So, please add your link. I need more links for this page.

Or if I have added your page and you don't want your page to be here. Then please let me know and I will remove your page.
Thank you

I know that there are some computers that cannot use these pull down menus. I just do not know which progams can not use them. If you would prefer to use a page with out tables or buttons. Then please click herefor page one. Or,click herefor page two.

About this page. Just select any category you wish and click on the page you wish to see. And you will automatically go there. Please be sure to reload this page to ensure you have the most recent work. And just have fun.

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This page was made on 6-9-99.

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