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May's CSP Trading Page

I started out trading Girl Scout Council Patches and since I am also involved in Boy Scouts, naturally I also got into trading Boy Scout Council Shoulder Patches. If you are interested in trading Girl Scout patches, please click here.

To see my list of CSPs, what I have and what I need, click here.

Note, I am willing to trade for dups!

My Home Page.

LAST UPDATE: 12/23/01

Here's what I have to trade:

  • Sam Houston Area Boy Scout Council Shoulder Patch (CSP) (Houston, Texas -- my council)

  • Dups:
    Pennsylvania Dutch CSP
    Gulf Coast Council (Texas) CSP
    Heart of America CSP
    Los Angeles CSP
    Longhorn (yellow background) CSP
  • 1996 Sam Houston Boy Scouts Scout Fair patch.
  • 1997 Sam Houston Boy Scouts Scout Fair patch.
  • Sam Houston Area Boy Scout Pin ---looks exactly like the Patch, but smaller, of course

    Boy Scout Patch Traders' WebRing
    Site operated by: May Tillis.
    WebRing sponsored by: The Patch Traders' Network.
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