About Tomasia

About Tomasia
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Character Info:

Name: Tomasia, but most call me Tommi

Fur Color: Russian blue and white

Eye Color: Black, but they turn yellow when I use a lot of magic.

Location: The Jellicle Junk Yard (I'm a stray, and proud of it!)

Age: 2 years old

History: Really not the world's best. When I was a kitten, I was catnapped by Macavity. He and his rats forced me to work for him against my will. It wasn't until I turned 1 year old that I was able to rejoin the tribe.

Other: Well, let's just say I'm one kitty you really DON'T want to make mad. See when I lose my temper "strange things happen", becuase I also lose control of my magic. All sorts of things happen then! But, it usually stops as soon as I get my control back over it. My brother, as I have said, is none other then the Conjuring Cat himself! (By this, I mean Magical Mister Mistoffelees for those who don't know)

Real Life Info:

Name: Tomlyn, and yes, my real life nickname is Tommi. How funny is that? *lol*

Hair Color: Brown, at least it's supposed to be. Sometimes it's gold, others is red. Just depends on how the light hits it. And, as you can see, it's past my back when braided and almost to my knees unbraided.

Eye Color: Also brown.

Location: Deep East Texas

Age: 13

History: Not really much. Just that I'm 13 and already have a living as a horse trainer and trailmaster on trail rides. (The ranch I live on offers dude riding.) as well as being a writer in my spare time. (Spare time? What's that?)

Other: Well, as I said, I live on a nearly 150 acre ranch. We raise purebred Spanish Mustangs. (No, NOT the ones you get from the government! Those are Mustangs, or BLM's, these are SPANISH Mustangs! Amarica's First Horse!) We currently have about 80 head right now. (Yeah, that is a lot!) We also have over 20 cats, 2 dogs, and a rabbit. (*hears someone sing: "And a partridge in a pear tree!"*

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