The Guardinans

The Guardinans
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You are listening to "Instant Karma" by John Lennon

Way, way up high. Higher then even we cats can see. Higher then the highest flying bird can see. There is a place, that's invisable to the living. A place that you are rewarded into if you've passed the test of life. It's a place that humans call Heaven, but cats, especially Jellicles, call the Heavyside Layer. It is here that all cretures that have passed the test of life go to, rather your a cat, a dog, or a human. It's here, also, that the Suppiror Being that has many names (God, Goddess, Great Spirit, Everlasting Cat) and many forms (A man, a woman, a spirit, a cat.) lives. And this Being started the process of life. However, as life began to grow, the Being discovered that It would need help to run things. It turned to one of It's own creations, the cat, for help. It picked the wisest, the bravest, and the strongest of all the cats, and gave them each a ralem to help It rule. It bagan calling them the Guardians. Not all the areas were taken, but many of the most importent were, and it became easier for the Being to control life.

As a reward for helping It, the Being, who I'll now call the Everlasting Cat, gave these cats many gifts. He changed their fur and eye color to math that of their relam. He gave them Iternnal Life, so that they could help Him forever. But what he gave them that most cats hated, was that He gave them a new home in the Heavyside Layer.

Many cats, and other cretures, were extremly invyous, and so they to wanted to go live in the Layer too. Though the Everlasting Cat said no, they still went to the few gateways that the Everlasting Cat had made and tryed to get in that way.

That is where the Jellicle Cats came from. We were special cats that the Everlasting Cat had created for the purpose of keeping everything esle away from the gateway. As a reward to us, one lucky cat could go up the gateway and into the Heavyside Layer.

Ever since the first Guardians, every now and again another would be added to take over another relam. They choose who will be the next Guardian by chossing them before they are even born, and then laying out odd tasks for them during their life as a mortal, all the while they will not know that they may be next to join the Guardians.

Disclaimer: Everything found here and in other parts of the site about the Guardians and their messengers is NOT a real religion. This is just something I made up to go with my made-up CATS characters. Also, please note that none of the info on the Guardians or their messengers is told from my point of veiw, but from Tomasia's.
