Messengers of the Guardians

Messengers of the Guardians
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You are listening to "Scoundrel Days" by A-ha

When the Guardians were first admited into the Heavyside Layer, they soon discovered they needed to things because of their relams on Earth, too. However, when they went down, everyone saw them and knew exactly who they were, and if they didn't, they thought them very strange because of their colorful fur. So, the Guardians went to the Everlasting Cat and asked Him to please have another group of cats come up to their bissness on Earth, and the Messengers of the Guardians were born.

The Messengers were not at all like their Guardian masters and mistresses that they serve. They have regular colored fur, and don't live in the Layer itself, but on the clouds. But, each one has wings and magical powers that makes them invisable to the living on Earth. Unless, of course, they want to be seen. They are imortal too, so the very fist messenger, Skye, is still doing the bidding of the Gaurians, and today she is the leader of the Messengers.

Disclaimer: Everything above and in other parts of the site that mention the Guardians and their messengers is NOT a real religon. It's just something I made up to go with my CATS characters. Also, please note that everything about the Guardians and their messengers is not told from my point of view, but from Tomasia's.

Alot of THAT really doesn't make any since though until you read THIS.
