Message Board and Chat Rules

Message Board and Chat Rules
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Okay, I know...I'll bet you're wondering why in the name of the Everlasting Cat do I have rules for the message board and chat? Well, it's because one of my friends almost had to shut down HER chat because of people acting up. She put up rules similar to these, and they've worked so far. I'd like to start off on a good note; that's why these rules are here. Please obey them. I don't want any unpleasantness. =-)

1. No cussing. Remember that even kids surf the net.
2. Keep it PG rated. Like I said, kids will come here too, and I don't want their parents sending me hate mail about the bad things on my site! *lol*
3. Please be COURTEOUS and RESPECTFUL! I don't like it when people are offended, so let's just try not to be offensive. =-)

Please don't break the rules. If you do, this is what will happen: First 3 times you do, you will get a warning. The fourth time, the players will vote to decide if you should stay anymore. I really don't like doing this, but I don't like people thinking I can't control my site, either.

Thanks! Now, then, on to the FUN stuff!

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