Thank You....

Thank You....
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This is just some people I feel I own thanks to....

1. Sootaput, Malista, and Magistica. If you 3 didn't make me SO envious of your sites, this one wouldn't be here today!
2. The Crazy Kitty Club! (Don't ask) You all know who you are...
3. Patchabie. She's one of my best friends who was always there for me. Thank you Patches!
4. Kiteria! The only chocolate covered wafer I know! *lol* She was also the first person to join my RPG. Thanks Kit!
5. Rustamffelees. One of the most original people, uh, cats, I mean Felisapians I know!
6. Malista! Funny, playful and fun, but serious when she needs to be. My twin sis, even though I'm a Jellicle and she's a Felisapian.
7. Magistica. Another very good friend of mine. I just know that it must be hard work for her to haul around that huge heart of pure gold! Thank you so much Magi!
8. All of my other friends. Starr, Misty, Skimby, and everyone else! I would be lost if I didn't have you ALL!
9. Angelfire for letting me post my site with them.
10. BeSeen for letting me have my chat, both message boards, my guest book, my counter and my quizlet. If you want any of this kind of stuff, click here:
11. And last, but never ever least, I'd like to thank YOU for coming! You are the wind beneath my wings!

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