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Prayer Request Page

  • URGENT PRAYER-for our Nation that we can get past the economic crisis that is facing our country. Lift up those who are still out of work, that they may find a job.
  • URGENT PRAYER - For our Nation and the leaders in this time of need. That God will use this for his glory and people will be saved despite the war.
  • URGENT PRAYER - For all those who were affected by the latest eathquakes.
  • Those who lost loved one, homes, businesses, and the basics of life. I pray the God will comfort and restore. I also pray that they will finally have their eyes opened to the salvation through Jesus.
  • NEW REQUEST My mother recently had surgery. Pray that all tests for cancer are negeative.
  • NEW REQUEST We are looking at a possible move in the future. We are praying for God's guidance and will.
  • I am currently out of work and transportation.
  • We are both under the weather, Pray for God's healing touch.
  • Joanne Lowe who writes the devotionals I use here. Lift up her health to the Lord.
  • My brother-in-law and his marriage.
  • My sister and brother-in-law for their marriage and his salvation.
  • Our neighbor Jean has an internal condition she is being treated for. Also please pray for her and her husbands salvation.
  • Rhonda and myself for continued growth in our relationship. So that we always keep Christ the focus, and for our marriage.
  • Our church is praying to get a building our own.
  • I have a brother -in-law who is dealing with depression, please join me in praying that the only way to be healed is to accept Jesus as his savior.
  • Andy, Matt, and Marc Tyler for salvation
  • Erin Tyler, David Benefield, J.P. Rutledge, Jeremy Wilson,Jeanna Buhls, Poppy, Riann, Anna, Zach, Eric, Daniel, Lucas, John, Steve, and Roy for salvation.
  • Shannon Brennan for renewed faith
  • Jerome Wahl, Becka, Mona, and Anthony - find a new faith is Jesus

This was updated on MARCH 24, 2010.


Be sure to check the second prayer page. As I get more requests than this page can handle, the remaining will be posted there.

Thank you for visiting my Prayer Request page. Please consider each need according to God's will. I ask that you don't take this lightly. That you take each request to the most high. Where two or more are gathered, God is there also.
Always remember that Jesus loves you, and will forgive you. He will accept for who you are, and Loves you for who you are. He has been though what you have, and understands. He waits for you to ask. I have been having steady traffic here so if you have a prayer request, please submit it to the e-mail on the bottom of the page. Also please check out the Praise Report page to see what God has done.

Thanks and God Bless.

Listen to this Wav file called Holy Ground, and look for more later.

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