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Prayer Page 2/FCHWC Prayer Page


Updated February 24, 2005


Due the limited size of the list format, there will be as many prayer request pages as there are needs. Always remember that Jesus loves you, and will forgive you. He will accept for who you are, and Loves you for who you are. He has been though what you have, and understands. He waits for you to ask. This is the second page, and if you have a prayer request, please submit it to the e-mail on the bottom of the page. Also please check out the Praise Report page to see what God has done. Thanks and God Bless.


Large Prayer Request

I am a child 21 yr old, born in the Holy Spirit like 2 knit fingers close to God. I knew my mission then. But at age 8, Gods power/protection, left me, and suddenly i was left alone, a child before satan and a powerful witch(for a witch) which is my mom, and I got lift up on thought power, and i remember being beaten against the walls. i dont remember much. I also remember that in spirit or flesh I went to a place filled with fire. endless fire.I got burned alive. Some people with spiritual vision, of whom i knew were childhood friends, actually said that I, a white person, was black. I am also black in my dreams. scorched black. I remember falling down hanging above those stairs with inmense fear in my heart and alot of pain. I eclipsed. From a child made of glory, light, love, happiness, joy, faith, power, innocence, supersight and amazing senses, and all that is good, i became trapped in a closet of darkness, FEAR, sadeness, false guilt, powerlessness, blindness, deafness and every kind of pain. yet i got numbed. i do not feel my own pain always. when i focus on God, my consciousness gets brighter and i feel the pain-but also Gods spirit. So please pray for me, as the Holy Spirit wishes, let all these lies satan put into me get out of me, replace it with truth. I want to realise my own power with every cell of my body. And Gods power. Help me to heal myself and ignore jeanne, my supposed mother. Give me faith hope love courage truth fearlessness healing and whatever the holy spirit tells you. Please think of me daily. Guide me on the right path. I do not sound so urgent as it is. ps im male this is what someone saw when she asked what happened to me:

Dear Joeri, I meditated on it, I asked Christ to illuminate me about your story, this is what I saw: I saw you being burned by having your hands and feet held to a hot radiator, as you mentioned. I saw you having your hair set on fire, with flames, and then being put out with water, but it was not clear who put the fire out, you or your mother or a third party. And the worst to me was the iron, I saw you being burned with a STEAM IRON, and got that she used that kind of iron because it gave the bigger pain, a pain that penetrated deeper and had more residual effect.

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