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Camping Planning Checklists

Please pack the following things for the camp out.
Sleeping bag (rated for low temperatures) or blankets
A sheet
ONE stuffed animal (optional)
Pajamas for 2 nights
Disposable Rain Pancho (available at Army Navy or Dollar General $1.00)
Flashlight with extra batteries
Dunk bag (mesh bag with PLASTIC dishes & silverware $7.00 at GS Shop or Army Navy)
3 days worth of clothing with one extra change of clothes
Extra socks
Whistle (for emergencies)
Towel and washcloth
Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush and accessories, soap, etc all packed in ziplock bags with name on them)
Extra ziplock bags (large size)
Any medications
A book or coloring book/crayons
Water Bottle
Extra pair of shoes
sunscreen & bug spray
small electronics/toys are ok if rules are followed.

The following items are NOT allowed:
Snacks (will be provided)
Nylon Clothing (wind pants, etc)They are a fire hazard
Girls should wear pants and tennis shoes or hiking boots. Blankets/Sleeping bags should be rolled and tied inside a garbage bag. Please do not tie so tight the girls cannot get them open or be required to tear them open. They will need to put the sleeping bag back into the bag for the trip home. All items except for sleeping bag/blanket, pillow must fit inside backpack or duffel bag.

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