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Girl Scout Troop #3444 Burleson Texas

Brittany, 1st year Junior.

My name is Brittany. I started Girl Scouts as Daisy. I am now a 1st year Junior. My mom is my leader. I enjoy sports, especially softball. I have also played soccer, basketball (2yrs), cheerleading (2yrs), All-Star Softball (4yrs) and gymnastics (4 yrs.) I took some dance while I had a broken arm. I have a brother, Brandon who's in 1st grade. His photo is below. I have a hamster, Snowball, and cat, Cricket, and 2 dogs, Tiffany (a Greyhound) and Kassi (a mutt). I like to read, play Nintendo and ride my bike. I am in Talented and Gifted at school. My best friend is Angela. My other friends are Olivia, Kayla, Tiffany, Jennifer and Baillie. Bye!

My Brother, Brandon

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