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WavinJoker's Awsum Wavz
Consent Form 
This consent form is to protect the staff of 
WavinJoker's Awsum Wavz from any

Copy the below form, from top to bottom. Then e-mail
us at WavinJoker's Awsum Wavz then fill out all areas 
in the form and select the Lists that you would like to 
be on and send it to us. You will be added within
48hours after which you will receive a welcome
letter welcoming you aboard our list.


 I (screen name) am requesting to be on WavinJoker's 
     Awsum Wavz. I understand that, depending on how many lists I am on, 
     I could receive over 100 e-mails a day. By submitting this form 
     I agree not to TOS any member of the Awsum Wavz Staff. Please 
     remember that if you want to be removed, use the link in all e-mails 
     sent to you. This may take 24 to 48 hours. Also, you always have the 
     option to delete any mail that you do not wish to receive. Awsum Wavz 
     Staff memebers do not receive any profit for the list duties we perform. 
     Everyone on our staff works on a voluntary basis and all our services are      
provided for free. We are in no way trying to violate any of the respective
      copyrights held by the artists whose music we send. By accepting these
wavs, you have agreed not to hold any of us at Awsum Wavz responsible for 
your actions. The wav files are meant to be strictly for evaluation purposes 
and should be deleted after 48 hours. Should you decide that you like 
the song, please support the artist by purchasing their Tapes or CD's!
Please add me to the following lists
 ____Classic rock
 _____ Top 40
 ______Chat Wavs
 ______Love Songs/Soft Rock
_____Jim's Zipper Wavz (zips of chat wavs 10-20 in a zip sent
             daily and a monster zip of at least 50 wavs
 sent once a week)
______Strictly Garth (4 songs a day and some really
cool Garth Graphics)
______Bonfires World (sends 10 wavs 3-5 days a week,
(no country), varitey, mostly 70's, 80's classic rock,
with some 90's thrown in)
 ______CD of the Day (one complete
 cd of different music types sent
______Metallica Mania (sends only Metallica graphics
wavs and related items to this band)
_______ Amazingly Aerosmith (send only Aerosmith graphics, 
wavs and related items to this band)
______Crazy for Wavs (variety of everything
unlimited number of wavs a day)
 _____Weekly Top 10 (10-20 songs 
 only sent on Sunday)
 _____Blend (2 wavs 
 from each list and
 1 graphics mailing)
 ______All of the Above
SecretBoy's 90'S Dance Music.
On this List you will get Full Lengh Songs, all Compressed.
5 Songs per day.  6 Days per week.
Songs included are Dance Music from 80's & 90's.
Special remixes, Club mixes and hard to find music are the specialty!! 
Click Here For Information About This List 
______SpecialTDelivery (a list where you can order tags made
special just for you)
 _____Graphics (closed graphics list 5-10
mailings a day)
______Artistic Expressions (closed list with mailings
of original artists work. No tags, tubes or things 
of that nature)
 _____Graphics Swap
 (graphics trading list)
______Graphics Web Sets
______Desktop Themes
 _____Incredible Edibles 
 (recipe of the day and tips)
_______Heaven Sent
An open trading list for Christian and NON offensive, graphics,
poems, inspirations,stories,jokes, christian music and 
_________Deb's Daily Ditties
(this is a BCC list that has adult content, jokes, cartoons, tips, tags, 
backgrounds,etc, you must be 18 to join and sign a disclaimer...
if you are easily offended then you need not join. It is sent out Daily.)
I  ( YOUR SCREEN NAME) asked to recieve these mailings and agree 
to not forward them in their entireity,I will copy and paste any area that 
I wish to keep,also  I agree that if for any reason that I want to stop 
recieving this mailing I will notify the  editor and ask to be removed....
I understand that removal can take up to 48 hours.
I also agree to NOT TOS the editor of this mailing for ANY reason.
 I also understand that there will be adult content,jokes,cartoons etc....
and understand that if it offends me I can asked to be removed
 from this list.

(screen Name)
(date of birth)
(todays Date)


Wavinbean & Joker6746 
Cara & Ray :0)

