My friend Travis Seay drew this portrait of's good to know that he remembers something about me...even if it's the drunk side of me mooning all of Austin while I lived there.
More about me...Do you really want to know about me?...Think long and hard before you continue! This about me shit kinda makes me feel like a damn want me add! SWF26 enjoys live music, camping, talking, travel, driving, reading, smoking cigarettes, eating meat,drinkin tequila socially, making people smile, I love movies...all genres, I also enjoy swimming, cliff-diving, river rafting the guadalupe, softball, baseball, basketball, tennis, and of course I love to bowl!
What else should I write here....what do I read? uhhh.....anything Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters wrote takes care of the mooshy side of me. I live for Anne Rice novels, I LOVE Kurt Vonnegut,Steinbeck,C.S. Lewis,Camus, Satre, Ibsen, Eugene O'Neill, Ray Bradbury! Roddy Doyle, Maeve Binchey, Emile Zola, D. H. Lawrence, Oscar Wilde!!, Anais Nin, Dostoyevsky, Saul Bellow, Chuck Pahul nawhatever, Tplstoy, Henry Miller, Henry James, charles Dickens, George "Ann Evans" Eliot, Douglas Adams, Countee CUllen, Carson McCullers,SHakespeare, Ovid,uhhh Basically, I love to read. I also enjoy biographies. For about a year I read X-men comics and still enjoy picking one up every now and then{although I couldnt tell you anything bout the story lines these days.......also love reading textbooks {weird I keep dropping outta school eh?}
TV wise...fave shows are ER, Ally Mcbeal, Drew Carrey, the Simpsons, and both the recently belated shows Northern Exposure and Star Trek tng.Also watch about an hour of nick at night before I hit the sack at night. West Wing has become one of my favorite shows of alltime, love Family guy, King of the Hill, Queer Eye, and Cnn. Movie wise I wouldnt know where to start. I love movies. I collect movies. I have mucho movies. The only kind of movies I dont like are the super artsy, fartsy, ones that dont have plots and arent interesting. Notice that I put both there..cause there are some movies without plots that I enjoy watching immensely{love that spelling}. ----------
I suppose that I must include Work history on this page. When I was 16 a friend of mine got me a job at Houston's first and best Haunted House,(had name here but there are some scary characters out there) I worked as an actor {I jumped out and screamed at people} for my first two seasons there. The next three years were spent as Lead actor {the break giver} working all of the scenes numerous times throughout the night. This last season I was {finally} upgraded to Front Door Security {lookout for excessive drunken behaviour, beer bottles, guns, etc...}and public relations. I also did some scene consulting {cleaned the actors' waterjugs} I hope this year to be upgraded to doing scene/actor scheduling along with scene consulting{see paragraph above for explanation}, along with Front Door Security and Public Relations and maybe, just maybe, {hint hint Mike and Jim} some Managerial duties{putting the walls back up after gravity challenged, wit challenged, and weight challenged individuals knock them down} DISCLAIMER---I do not mean any offense to clumsy, stupid, or fat people...just dont like it when they run in the dark and smash the place up that's all!...therefore if you have any complaints, rude comments, can direct them to the brick wall below!
Another job I held...I worked at Big Sky Bread for a title was Wholesale Manager {bread delivery girl to grocery stores...and stocking the shelves} I also helped in the production aspect of the business {I bagged, labeled, and sliced the bread}. Along with helping with the public relations and the register{I gave people free slices of bread and talked them into paying 4 dollars for a plain loaf of bread}. I resigned my position with the company when my school work beckoned for greater attention{ when the haunted house season started}.
On my 18th Birthday I officially began working as a bartender {we had no liquor, just beer...} at the local live music venue, the Abyss{ formerly the Vatican} I worked there for national shows and occasionally bartended the local shows. I worked there for almost three years including while I lived in Austin.
While I resided in Austin I was a co-oper. NO NOT A HIPPIE COMMUNE {although we were plagued with hypocritical vegetarians{which can't be escaped in Austin}who yelled at us MEATEATERS for killing bessie and bambi to eat them while they wore leather jackets, shoes, etc...} more to come on that on the ranting page. Anyhow I think I was gonna try to explain the co-op. ummm a hundred mostly together in a complex of sorts that we each own an equal share to while we live there. Everybody had to do 4 hours of labor a week to make the place work., cleaning, maintaining yard and fixing stuff, etc... Let me make this easier...we got to live extremely well, have huge parties, 5 minute walk to campus, have a huge dating pool from which it would be stupid to pick from due to living with them, and well I'm gonna shut up. What that has to do with my work experience you ask?...I was elected to be labor czar for the summer. I had to assign very few people{ due to most kiddoes went abroad during summer} to maintain for kitchen inspections {we were classified as a restaraunt even though we bought our own food, cooked our own food etc... we were still controlled by city ordinance} to keep edible food while still having handy men, and lawn folks, and bartenders and cleaner uppers and blah blah blah I'm going on and on. Well I arranged 67 people to do what 100 people normally do {did a mediocre job but it worked} the first half of summer and I had only about 50 people left the last 6 weeks of summer.
This past year I became a nanny for a friend of mine. I sat for a 2 year old boy for 3 months full time. Gave me alot of perspective on single mother parenting {I'm gonna be a picky MOFO when it comes to picking "the one" for me}....
ooops I almost forgot, My first job was when I was 11 or 12...I worked as a bridge tournament caddy. I worked the swiss tables voluntarily at the massive bridge tourney's at the adams mark hotel. I also was asked to sit in on games and turn over cards for diehard smokers in need of an extra break. I still don't have any clue what that game is all about. I prefer spades, gin, and even hearts to that silly game. Am lately Night managing the Live music venue Fitzgerald's and also working the door at local downtown/montrose pub Cecil's.