12/67 Here I am going to work in Battalion Headquarters. I only had a few weeks
left in-country, but because of where I was going to be reassigned State-side, I extended for about
30 days. (By extending, you took advantage of "an early out". If you had less than 90 days upon
return to the States, you got completely out of the service.) I thought it was a good idea as I signed
the extension papers, but because of the additional time, I ran head-long into the 1968 TET
Offensive. This added a few more days on to my stay because we couldn't get down the road from
Bearcat to Bien Hoa! Well, as far as I know, these will be the last 2 pictures I'll be sending in.
Hopefully, others will send things to this site, so that more about the 2/47th and all it's people will
be known. - Jim Radetzky |
For everyone still at Bearcat, there would be good times and bad, and I'd be willing to bet that the immersion heaters for the showers never did work correctly! Good friends would be made, and some would be lost. Standing in front of the track is Sergeant Young, a very kind and gentle man, whom I worked with for a few months in S2 prior to going back to the real world. Once home, I wrote to his niece for a short while. Her letters are now lost. In one of them, she informed me that he had been transferred from the 2/47th and was KIA. I really feel odd to admit this, but I don't know his first name - he was always just "Sarge". Going by his MOS and guessing at his age, I think it was Charles. (On "The Wall", Panel 39W - Line 63) If you recognize him, please write to me (jimrad@hotmail.com) or contact John Ax or Henry Jezek at this Web Site. Peace. - Jim Radetzky |
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