Well, I'll keep this pretty short. I've been playing since Myth I came out. I've always loved strategy games, but I hate the quick click crap where it's not your tactics or strategy that win you the game. When it all depends on how many tanks you can swarm someone with the fun factor shoots down for me.
I remember playing my first netgame of Myth I. I was amazed and hooked from the first minute. I came in second to last in a game of Steal the Bacon on For Carnage apply within light. I had no idea where I was sending my guys or what to do with my soulless and only missed last place because I took forever getting over to the ball. From then it was tactics that I studied. I would save every replay where an oppenent dominated me or the rest of those in the game. I quickly learned how to use my units to their particular advantage and got good. While I'm by no means the best player out there I do know that I can hold my own against just about anyone. If I practice ahead of time, and know the map well I can be one of the deadliest Myther's around. Get a few pints of brew in me and look out because the whoop will flow.
December 1997- bought Myth I and got instantly addicted.
March or so 1998- Joined the Order Loki's Rebelion ( -LR-) for the sole reason that I couldn't
beat them on last man on the hill on Death in Dire Marsh. I soon became the order's "Dorf" man and controlled only the dwarves for several months. In that time I grew to love the little pyro's for their destructive capabilities. To this day I like to consider myself one of the best with the little molotov chuckers.
Late 1998- Loki's Rebellion puttered out by now and I'd been playing in unranked solo for quite some time. In that time I got to know and play with a bunch of guys in an order called TKR (Team Knight Rider), their sense of humor...just look at the title....was a major factor in my decision to join. Around the same time Manus Celer Dei asked me if I'd like to join an order that he was creating called Ira Dei (ID). Since he had already recruited Setik, Ashen, and Makavelli from my old order -LR- I decided to join, but also keep my TKR affiliation. Thus for months I was Croaker TKR ID on bungie net.
December 1998- Myth II came out, and I had preordered it months in advance. For most of Novemeber and December I was soloing again as no one in ID or TKR was really playing. When I got my grubby hands on my new copy of Myth II, I imediately jumped online to see how it was. On my P166 with 64 ram I was soon to discover that I needed a new machine to run this damn game. During my "time of woe" in which my computer sucked I ran into Makavelli who had started playing Myth II quite a bit. He and I were on nearly every night, and even though I could barely make out my dorfs on dark maps because the pixels were blending in with the background on Software render, we became a force to be reckoned with. Once I got my new machine we were even deadlier than before. We took down Jeff the Meek and Caldazar and gramps (all terrific folks both in skill and tempermant) on their own maps on several occasions. We took out whole orders by ourselves, and it became difficult to find games as no one would play us...even on their own map selections. It was around this time that we ran into some cool folks from other orders that soon decided to join us. Among them were Greyfist, Pagan God, and his brother Azazoth. It was from that core group that the highly succesful Ira Dei was truly born. As Mak and I did not make a full team of 3 to play order games it was only when we go the others that we truly became an order.
September 1999 (Now)- Unfortunately ID puttered out at the end of the Myth World Cup, and the merger of ~C~ and ID failed horribly. In the aftermath some of the best players, and most fun guys of ID created the order 9th Circle of Hell....whom if you're an idiot....is the website you are now reading this from. My connection to the internet currently sucks my balls. I am soon getting a DSL connection though, and plan to not only play more but to make up for all the hosting I was never able to do. I hope that this order can become one of the best on Bungie.net, but I hope most of all that it stays fun. When you're goal with a game is win and win alone it no longer is a game.....it's work. I do enough of that already. As a final word I'd like to say that all my current ordermates are a great bunch of guys, and a helluva lot of fun to play this game with.