EvilAliveS Lair
Heres my
current stats.

Name: Ed Burgess
From: Pittsburg, CA,
Age: 23
Hobbies: Clubbing, Going to concerts, going out period, being the 'lilball of love and anger
that I am, and Myth of course.
Bnet Aliases: EvilAlivE, Mt. Dew, Mistress Misery, Bitch Goddess-and many more
Favorite Maps: I'll Fall on Your Grave, Desert, Dead of Winter, Venice
Favorite Game Types: 2 Team LMoTH, FFA BC on Grave, Terries
Favorite Units: Trow, Warlocks and I have a strange fetish forWights....
Least Favorite Map: Trow
Least Favorite Game Type: LMoTH Trow...hell anything on Trow for that matter
Least Favorite Unit: Uh...the dead ones that used to be mine
When Not Playing Myth: See "Hobbies" above
Quote: Nothing terribly witty at the moment, but that changes every so often.
Get back to me later.