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A walk.


One day, Gokou was taking a walk through the woods. He then saw something that shimmered. The forest Gokou was in was dark green and brown from the trees with light green from the grass.

Gokou walked over to the thing he saw shimmering, and he saw a crystal. The crystal shimmered again, and suddenly... it started to grow. The crystal grew and grew and then started changing it's shape, size, and color!

Gokou started thinking, 'What in the world is this!?'

The crystal had finished changing and it was make out of brown wood, and had some windows, there was a sign that was hanging which said... Pub.

"What in the world?" Gokou thought. He walked inside the Pub.

Inside the pub was tables, people sitting on chairs, people playing cards at gambling tables, and a counter with a man behind it distributing drinks. Not only that, but Goten and Trunks were sitting at one of the tables playing cards.

"I better inform Vegeta!" Gokou thought, and he flew away and wen't to a house near a sparkling lake on a green cliff.

Gokou knocked a brown door.

"WHO IS IT!?" Vegeta yelled.

"It's Gokou! I think you better see this!" Gokou yelled back to Vegeta.

"Alright, coming!" Vegeta said as he walked out the door. Vegeta had a mustach now, and had cut his hair shorter, and hadn't trained as much any more.

"Follow me!" Gokou told Vegeta as he flew back to the forest.

"Yeah, whatever," Vegeta grumbled as he followed.

They soon reached the crystal and it turned into the Pub again, and they wen't in.

"Trunks is gambling! That's it!" Vegeta yelled as he walked over to Trunks and Goten, along with Gokou. Gokou and Vegeta then grabbed Trunks and Goten and brought them back.

At Chi Chi and Gokou's house.

"WHAT?!" Chi Chi yelled. "That's it, your punished young man!" Chi Chi yelled at Goten.

At Bulma and Vegeta's house.

"Look Trunks, I don't wan't you gambling!" Bulma yelled at Goten...


RATING BY TWO RATERS, (What do the critics say)?

Man:: Hey that stunk!

Other man:: I wan't a refund!

Man:: That wasn't humor! That was people and fake Karate Gee's trying to act!

Other man:: Even my worst enemy is funnier then that!


Man:: You know, if it wasn't for the free food I wouldn't even be here seeing this horrible thing! Just from reading this I almsot died!

Other Man:: I know!! Click the bottom two links (Go back, Go back to home). Which ever one as fast as you can! This is to bad, just go! Leave the horror and pain behind you! AHHHH!
Go back.
Go back to home.